Sharing a Space

Although college is a place of learning, the classroom is not the only place with the opportunity to interact with classmates. Those who live in the same residence hall, and especially a roommate, provide much of the social atmosphere of the first year at Saint John’s. Living with a roommate can provide challenges and rewards. Before move-in, students should consider what they want out of their relationship with their roommate, what guidelines to follow, and anticipated problems.

The Room

A room is primarily a living space, but it can be much more, including a study area, a social center, or a haven from the pressures of school. Whatever shape a room takes on, its quality of life depends on the relationship between roommates.


Even though we try to match students with similar interests, roommates may often differ in the following areas:

Common Roommate Problems

A Basic Strategy: Communication

Communication prevents problems from being blown out of proportion. Often problems require flexibility to resolve. Cooperation can make a roommate relationship work, and communal living offers the advantage of new ideas and approaches. Roommate relationships do not require agreement in every aspect. Development of independence includes developing outside interests and friendships. Students may call upon their Resident Assistant (RA) or Faculty Resident (FR) for roommate problem guidance and resolution.

Soon after becoming acquainted with their roommate, students should discuss: