Faculty Hive
An Overview of the Writing Center for Faculty
Individual Instruction.
15 trained peer tutors help students develop and organize ideas, offer advice for revision, and more. A typical year sees 25% of the student body visit at least once. Face-to-face appointments are made via The Hive. Student visits and appointment notes are available on The Hive for faculty. Required visits for class are proven to be effective and are encouraged, as are extra-credit opportunities.
Class Visits.
We facilitate peer review workshops in many different courses, including Learning Foundations and Learning Explorations, but also several others. Also, we are always happy to visit your class to make a brief presentation about our services. We visited 50 classes in 2020-21!
Custom Projects.
We welcome the chance to work with faculty on department-level projects to meet/design writing-specific learning outcomes or develop workshops & assignments ranging from introductory course essays to capstone projects. Tutors can also be paired with specific students for ongoing meetings in cases where that additional direction may be particularly helpful. Contact the CSB/SJU Writing Center Director, Dr. Kyhl Lyndgaard, to discuss.