Well-being Center

Health Services, located within the Well-Being Center, provides quality, patient-centered medical care at two convenient locations for enrolled CSB and SJU students. Office visits are free, unlimited, and confidential.
Available medical services from CSB+SJU Health Services
This is not a complete list of services. Please call to inquire about any service not listed.
Acute Illnesses
Including nausea; vomiting and diarrhea; pink eye/conjunctivitis; urinary tract infections; bronchitis; colds and flu; eye, ear, nose, throat infections; sinus infection; dizziness; fever; headaches; etc.
Chronic Disease Management
Including migraines; asthma; type 1 diabetes; inflammatory bowel disease; etc.
Genitourinary Health
Including genitourinary concerns; testicular pain; painful urination; etc.
Gynecologist Health
Including gynecology pap smears and pelvic exams; menstrual issues; treatment of yeast and vaginal infections; etc.
Injuries/Wound Care
Including concussion/sports injuries; abrasions; small cuts; strains or sprains; lacerations; minor burns; suture removals; repair ingrown toenails; incision care; drainage of a boil; etc..
Mental Health Concerns
Including depression; anxiety; eating disorders; sexual assault; sexual abuse; alcohol and drug abuse; stress; sleep problems; relationships; etc.
Prescription Medication Management
Health Services providers can manage students’ current prescriptions and refills. A variety of commonly prescribed prescription medications and over-the-counter medications are stocked in Health Services and are offered at cost.
Pre-Travel Consultations
For additional information visit: www.csbsju.edu/health-services/travel-health
Sexual Health
Including sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment; pregnancy testing; etc.
Skin Issues
Including acne, rash, impetigo, eczema, herpes, hives, rosacea, etc.
Tuberculin TB Skin Test
The TB skin test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid (called tuberculin). A student given the tuberculin skin test must return within 48 to 72 hours to have a medical staff examine the arm. (Cost is $15)
Including flu shots, HPV, TDAP, TD, MMR, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis, and COVID-19 vaccination/booster.
Wellness Physicals
Including wellness physicals; sports physicals; pre-op physicals; pre-employment physicals; etc.
Health Services provides mental health diagnosis, treatment, and medication management for mental health conditions. Counseling Services facilitates counseling and psychotherapy sessions focusing on mental health. Health Services and Counseling Services collaborate on care as needed or indicated by circumstances.
Coordination with Home Provider
Labs from outside providers can be drawn in the clinic. Providers should fax orders to CSB: 320-363-6396 or SJU: 320-363-3405. Results will be faxed back to ordering provider.
Dietitian Consultations
For additional information visit my.csbsju.edu
Medical Equipment + First Aid Supplies
Medical equipment is available for a minimal fee: Crutches, wheelchair, knee scooter, heating pads, cold packs, elastic wraps, slings, various joint braces, etc.
Psychiatrist Consults
For additional information visit my.csbsju.edu
Same-day Lab Testing
Same-day lab tests are provided at cost: Strep, mono, influenza, COVID-19, and urinary tract infection.
*Lab tests not available in Health Services will be processed by LabCorp and they will directly invoice your insurance company.
**Services not provided: allergy shots; casting, x-ray; initial workers compensation evaluations; and initial motor vehicle accident evaluations.