Colorful, abstract image of a person in a trench coat and hat, with overlapping rainbow hues creating a ghostly effect. Bold text reads "The Mousetrap" with smaller text "Written by Agatha Christie" and "Directed by Sean Dooley.

The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie

Directed by Sean Dooley
November 11-14, 2021
Gorecki Family Theater, CSB

After a local woman is murdered, the guests and staff at Monkswell Manor find themselves stranded during a snowstorm. It soon becomes clear that the killer is among them, and the seven strangers grow increasingly suspicious of one another. A police detective, who arrives on skis, interrogates the suspects: the newlyweds running the house; a spinster with a curious background; an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef; a retired Army major; a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift; and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. When a second murder takes place, tensions and fears escalate. This record-breaking murder mystery features a brilliant surprise finish from Dame Agatha Christie, the foremost mystery writer of her time.


Director – Sean Dooley

Stage Manager – Callie Anderson


Mollie Ralston – Ellie Botz

Giles Ralston – Spencer Gerber

Christopher Wren – Lucas Fisher

Mrs. Boyle – Callie Huus

Major Metcalf – Justus Probst

Miss Casewell – Beth Vescio

Mr. Paravinchini – Nathan Beal

Sergeant Trotter – Gunnar Laughlin