CSB/SJU Wind Power Project

Learning Our Way to Sustainability

In May 1995, the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University were awarded a $10,580 grant from The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation to conduct a wind power study on these two Central Minnesota campuses and to integrate the study of wind power into the curriculum. After consulting with Northern Alternative Energy, Inc., on sites with the best wind potential, the colleges have installed anemometers on both campuses to measure and analyze wind speeds, and are integrating this information into the curriculum.

The Wind Power Project is one of many initiatives undertaken by the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University as part of their rapidly growing Environmental Stewardship Program. We see ourselves as responsible for good stewardship of the natural environment and seek to take a leadership role in exercising this responsibility, affirming our commitment to use educational activities to promote environmental awareness, global thinking and collaboration on the local level.

First Year Report

Greener Energy: The Case for Wind Power at SJU and CSB