Dr. Shane Miller serves as the chair of the Department of Gender Studies at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. His teaching and research is in the area of rhetorical criticism and public address, with special interests in sports, religion and gender. His current research project is a book analyzing the rhetoric of creationism. He has also received an Enduring Questions Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to develop a course “What is a Monster?”.
- Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin M.A., Northern Illinois University
- B.A. Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota
- COMM 102 Public Speaking in the Public Sphere
- COMM 312 Rhetorical Dimensions of Sport
- GEND 209D Men and Masculinities
- COMM 305 Women’s Voices
- COMM 304 Political Communication
- GEND 180 Gender and Culture (short-term study abroad)
Recent Publications
- American Culture through Film Recent Publications: “On the Allure of Progress and Direct Descent: A March that Just won’t go Away” Paper to be presented at the National Communication Association annual conference, November 2014.
- “Creationism v. Evolutionism: Expelled as Symbolic Violence.” Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual conference, November 2014.
- Making the Boys Cry: The Performative Dimensions of Fluid Gender. Text and Performance Quarterly, April 2010, 30(2) 163-182.