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Kelly Berg

Associate Professor of Communication

Dr. Kelly Berg began teaching at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in 2002. She teaches courses centered on mass media, strategic campaigns and social media. Her academic interests include online and fan communities, narrative, and communicating identity. While she enjoys every day she is able to work with her students, she also enjoys time with her family, traveling and summer vacation.

Recent Publications: Berg, K. & Harthcock, A. (2013). “Brett Favre is a God: Sports Fans’ Perpetuation of Mythology on Newspaper Websites.” In Earnheardt, A. C., Haridakis, P. M., & Hugenberg, B. (Eds.). Sports Fans, Identity, and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.

Berg, K. & Harthcock, A. (2008). “Let the Domination Begin: Sports Fans’ Construction of Identity in On-line Message Boards.” In L.W. Hugenberg, P.A. Haridakis, & A.C. Earnheardt (Eds.) in Sports Mania: Essays on Fandom and the Media in the 21st Century, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

  • Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia M.A., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point B.A., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
  • Courses: COMM 103 Mass Media and Society
  • COMM 336 Introduction to Strategic Campaign Communication
  • COMM 338 New Media Analysis and Applications
  • COMM 346 Strategic Campaign Communication (Capstone)
  • COMM 342 Communicating in an Online Era