Hope: The Architechture of Peace

Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman, Ph.D.
Synchronous Presentation, Saint John’s University - Collegeville, MN

Davis Zimmerman Handout

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This presentation aims to prepare audience members for the season of Advent by way of reflecting on the "signs of the times" and recalling the past to re-member our Christian commitment to peace and neighborly love. We will do this by placing two documents in conversation with each other: Pope John XXIIsI's 1963 encyclical "Pacem in terris" (Peace on earth) and Pope Francis' 2020 encyclical "Fratelli tutti" (All Brothers). Both documents outline a vision of peace grounded in the human person's innate human dignity, as well as a commitment to solidarity and the common good. Together we'll explore current "hard truths" we must confront if we are to "encounter" and see one another face-to-face (as modeled by the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke) as Pope Francis implores us to do.

Kari-Shane is an Associate Professor of Theology at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at the College of the Holy Cross, her Masters at Duke University and then went on to receive her Ph.D. at Marquette University. Kari-Shane's areas of research and teaching include Catholic Moral Theology and Christian Ethics, Sexual Ethics and Feminist Theology an addition to Catholic Social Teaching.