Callings of Women in the Church: A Young Feminist Perspective

Jessie Bazan, M. Div, '17
Webinar Presentation, Saint John’s University - Collegeville, MN

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This lecture will examine the experience many women share: they are talented and passionate about discipleship, but they serve a church that puts limits on their participation simply because of their gender. Who can Catholic women turn to for encouragement? How is God calling people of all genders to speak their truths and stand up to the patriarchy? Presented through a young feminist lens, this presentation welcomes people of all genders to consider how the church can grow into a more inclusive, empowering community. 

Jessie Bazan, M.Div., SOT ’17, edited and co-authored Dear Joan Chittister: Conversations with Women in the Church  (Twenty-Third Publications, 2019). Jessie also serves as the program associate for the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research. She works with the Communities of Calling Initiative and the Called to Lives of Meaning and Purpose Initiative, two initiatives aimed at helping Christians deepen their sense of calling. Jessie is a regular columnist for U.S. Catholic magazine and retreat facilitator across the Midwest.