Growing Hope Where Anger Flourishes

Ben Durheim, Ph.D.
Synchronous Presentation, Saint John’s University - Collegeville, MN

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The current political and social ethos of rural America is widely characterized by anger, outrage, and resentment. Sociologists have also noted that these communally-manifested motions seem to respond more readily to rituals (such as political rallies) than to policy change, argument, or data presentation. Join us as we engage these currents of rural American life and explore the liturgical and acramental cultivation of one antidote to a toxic political and social climate conditioed by anger: the Christian virtue of hope.

Dr. Benjamin Durheim is a visiting Assistant Professor of Theology at the College of St. Benedict and Saint John's University, teaching courses in liturgical and sacramental theology, ethics, and systematics. He received his B.A. from CSB/SJU, his M.A. from Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary, and his Ph.D. from boston College. His published works include a book titled Christ's Gift, Our Response, and articles on ecumenism, liturgical and sacramental practice, and social ethics.