Master of Theology (Th.M.)
The Master of Theology (Th.M.) program is a postgraduate, pre-doctoral program which prepares students for further studies. For students who already have a master level degree in theology (MA, MTS, M.Div), this advanced degree allows those to continue their theological education in a more specific manner, making it a highly flexible and tailored degree program.
The program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in thesis research and writing. We strongly encourage Th.M. students to use this flexible program for furthering their foreign language, if it is being used to prepare one for doctoral programs in theology.
100% of our ThM graduates who apply to doctoral programs are accepted.

Learning Outcomes
1. Students will gain a general knowledge of the Christian theological tradition and of contemporary scholarship.
- Students will understand and be able to use theological vocabulary and concepts in theological and ministerial discussions.
- Students will be able to engage in research, writing, and oral exposition.
- Students will develop an understanding of the global context of the Christian tradition, the ecumenical character of the Christian tradition, and the multicultural realities of contemporary society.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to use theological texts in a language other than English.
2. Students will develop a critical, historically-rooted approach to theology.
- Students will know how to read primary texts in the context of historical periods.
- Students will be able to assess theological texts and materials critically.
- Students will be aware of the social, cultural, and personal lens through which they interpret the tradition.
3. Students will demonstrate the ability to engage in theological research and defend a position responsibly through the writing and oral defense of a thesis.
4. Students will understand how theological study serves the ongoing life of the Church.
Application Process
Saint John’s uses a robust application software, Slate, for the application process. Prospective students will create a username and password, and then upload/request pertinent information directly into Slate. After beginning an application, students can log back into the application portal and check their progress.
If you have any questions/concerns about Slate and the admission process, please reach out to the Admission Office: [email protected]
Letter of Intent
Applicants are required to upload a typed letter of intent as a part of the application. This narrative should be about 800 words. The letter of intent should address the applicant’s professional and vocational goals, the specific requirements of the ThM, areas of theological interest, and capacity for undertaking a substantial research and writing project.
Letters of Recommendation
ThM applications are required to submit 2 letters of recommendaiton.
These 2 letters of recommendation should come from professors at the institution where you compelted your graduate theological degree.
Letters of recommendation must be requested through the Slate Portal and cannot be sent directly from the applicant to the admission office.
Official transcripts of post-secondary coursework must be sent from the Registrar’s Office to the Admissions Office
Contact Information for Sending Transcripts:
Admissions at Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary
P.O. Box 7288
Collegeville, MN 56321
Resume / CV
Applicants are required to submit an updated résumé outlining personal, educational and professional backgrounds. This can be uploaded directly into the application portal, Slate.
Writing Sample
ThM applicants are required to submit a writing sample of 15-20 pages, including bibliography and footnotes.
A graduate paper or chapter of a thesis is accetable.
Research Assistantships are available to residential students approved for the Master of Theology degree as part of preparation for doctoral work.