Master of Divinity – Lay Ministry
The Master of Divinity (M.Div) program is an intensive three-year academic degree designed to equip graduates to serve as church leaders and lay ecclesial ministers. It is a comprehensive degree that includes a broad study of theology, as well as pastoral ministry coursework, Field Education, Clinical Pastoral Education, and formation. This program is well suited for those interested in exploring their call to lay ecclesial leadership in Christian communities. The formatio program addresses the while person, attending to human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral development.

“The M.Div is both academically rigorous and practically prepares students to go into the world to encounter and respond to real people and their needs. One of the best things about the M.Div is the experience and opportunities offered through things like CPE and field education practica. I take better care of my students because of my pastoral ministry classes. I am a better, more prepared teacher because of my systematics, liturgy, and moral theology classes.”
Jena Thurow-Mountin, M.Div ’19
The M.Div. degree requires the completion of 78 credits. The M.Div. includes 42 credits in our Collegeville Core and 24 credits in Pastoral Ministry courses with 3 credits of unrestricted electives. This program also contains Ministerial Formation requirements, such as Clinical Pastoral Education (3 credits), Field Education (6 credits), and Spiritual Direction/Companioning. This program, done full-time, will take about 3 years to complete, and requires on-campus participation for at least half of the degree program, which can be satisfied either in academic year or summer

A Benedictine Approach to Pastoral Ministry
The mission and identity of Saint John’s School of Theology has deep roots in the Catholic and Benedictine tradition, which bears impact on our pedagogical and formational practices. Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary approaches teaching and formation for pastoral ministry from a Benedictine perspective by:
- Contemplative pedagogy in the classroom: Our classes incorporate prayer, reflection and space for discernment, relying on monastic practices like statio and lectio divina .
- Commitment to stability: Our approach to pastoral theology takes seriously our contextual rootedness, and prizes stability as commitment to the cultural locations and communities where ministry unfolds.
- Listening and hospitality: We form ministers to gain a disposition of deep listening for pastoral work and to discover Christ in pastoral interactions, especially when “welcoming the stranger.”(RB 53)
- Spiritual direction and peer companioning: attentiveness to spiritual formation and spiritual growth is integral to our curriculum and to our formation requirements.
The three year Master of Divinity program for lay ministry candidates readies students for church leadership as lay ecclesial ministers. Consistent with Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, the formation program addresses the whole person, attending to human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral development.
Learning Outcomes
Lay persons who graduate with the Masters of Divinity Degree will:
Incorporate the Benedictine charisms of biblical, liturgical, and communal life into their ministerial identity and practice
Demonstrate a knowledge of the history and development of the Bible and Catholic theology, including the Church’s sacramental life, ministries, moral and social teachings
Exercise leadership which incorporates practical theological reflection on worship, catechesis, biblical interpretation and preaching, pastoral care, administration, and social ministries.
Demonstrate a commitment to Christian maturity through ministerial ethics, respect for cultural diversity, and lifelong learning about the Christian faith.
Application Process
Saint John’s uses a robust application software, Slate, for the application process. Prospective students will create a username and password, and then upload/request pertinent information directly into Slate. After beginning an application, students can log back into the application portal and check their progress.
If you have any questions/concerns about Slate and the admission process, please reach out to the Admission Office: [email protected]
Written Narrative
Applicants are required to upload a written narrative as a part of the application. This narrative should be about 800 words. The narrative should address the applicant’s professional and vocational goals, their experience in ministerial or service settings, and their particular interest in studying at Saint John’s.
Letters of Recommendation
MDiv applicants are required to submit 3 letters of recommendation, from educational or professional contacts, within the online application system. The MDiv requires that 1 of the 3 letters must come from an employer who can speak to the applicant’s potential for ministry.
Recommenders should be able to speak to the academic ability, leadership qualities, communication skills, and overall readiness for graduate theological study.
Official transcripts of post-secondary coursework must be sent from the Registrar’s Office to the Admissions Office
Contact Information for Sending Transcripts:
Admissions at Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary
P.O. Box 7288
Collegeville, MN 56321
Resume / CV
Applicants are required to submit an updated résumé outlining personal, educational and professional backgrounds. This can be uploaded directly into the application portal, Slate.
Where are our M.Div alums?
- Parish Ministry
- Hospital Chaplaincy
- Hospice Chaplaincy
- Campus Ministry
- Catholic Charities
- Doctoral Programs
- Education