School of Theology and Seminary
Master of Arts in Liturgical Music

The Master of Arts in Liturgical Music prepares students to serve the church as pastoral leaders in the musical dimensions of worship.
M.A. Liturgical Music Program Information
Application Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or the equivalent
- Official transcripts of post-secondary coursework
- Three letters of recommendation from educational or professional contacts
- Typewritten narrative
- Resume/CV
See more complete details of these requirements
Auditions: Scheduled as needed Audition Requirements
Application Deadline: Rolling Admission
Recognizing the significance of music in liturgy, Benedict instructed his monks to ensure that those who lead the singing be able to “fulfill that office in such a way as to edify the hearers” (Rule of Benedict 47). This, of course, requires proper formation and preparation in addition to natural ability.
The Master of Arts in Liturgical Music prepares students to serve the church as pastoral leaders in the musical dimensions of worship. The program integrates musical training with academic study of the liturgy and formation in practical aspects of parish musical leadership.
This integration, particularly in light of the regular liturgical celebrations of the School of Theology and Seminary community, forms students musically and pastorally. It fosters a deep understanding of the role and importance of music in liturgy. In turn, this understanding is enriched by students’ experience of prayer in a particular community.
Degree Requirements
Financial Support
Financial support at Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary comes in the form of tuition scholarships, professional development, fellowships, graduate assistantships, and more.
Graduate student housing is available in Emmaus Hall on the SJU campus.