
. Rutherford recently returned from a sabbatical in Scotland, where she researched
sabbatical guidelines Guidelines for Academic Sabbatical Leave Application For Academic Year 2012-2013 Dear Colleague: Applications for sabbatical leaves ... Full year (6/6) or Fall (3/6) or Spring (3/6) Date(s) of previous sabbatical(s affairs/faculty/documents/sabbatical guidelines.pdf
Checklist Certificate  Spiritual Direction  Sabbatical ... , Sabbatical, and Graduate Certificate applicants must submit two letters ... in Spiritual Direction Recommendation Form   Sabbatical and Graduate Certificate
faculty have pro rata contractual rights to promotion, tenure, and sabbatical ... , promotion, or sabbatical leave. Part-time, per-course faculty are expected ... benefits; and do not accumulate time toward tenure, promotion, or sabbatical leave
of the faculty. (Professional leaves are treated in Sections 2.9.2 , “Sabbatical Leaves ... , promotion, and sabbatical, but nonprofessional leaves without pay do not count toward tenure, promotion, or sabbatical. Fringe benefits are not provided during leaves
at Convivium on November 14th, 2019 Faculty sabbatical research ... on sabbatical research and it's importance to good scholarship. Alumnae
Plato in the New Mexico Desert: Sabbatical Horizons.” CSB/SJU English Department ... talks with Madhu Mitra about his Sabbatical.” CSB/SJU English Department Web
Curriculum. Letters of Support: Sabbaticals and Study Abroad Department chairs ... sabbaticals, FDRC grants and apply to lead study abroad programs. Those letters
positions (e.g. sabbatical, study abroad, leaves) are not required to meet the June 1 st ... . National searches are encouraged for one-year term or sabbatical replacement
the department have also requested to lead a program or be on leave or sabbatical ... , sabbaticals, and leaves of absence in order to determine whether replacement