33rd Monastic Institute
Summer 2022
“Humility: Paradoxical Pathway to Union with God”
June 27-July 1, 2022
Letting go of the demands of the ego begins with fear of the Lord. The ascent of the ladder of humility leads to that perfect love that casts out fear. Come and explore the wisdom of the monastic tradition on this central challenge of embracing the Cross of Christ with the assistance of highly-regarded spiritual guides.
Fr. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B. Monk of St. Andrew’s Abbey, Alyermo, CA; Professor of Church History and Moral Theology at St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA. BA (1974), MD (1978) U. of Souther California; DPhil (2000) Oxford. Fr. Dysinger has published books and articles on psalmody and prayer; he has taught moral theology, spiritual theology, and biomedical ethics.
Sr. Manuela Scheiba, O.S.B. Abbey of St. Gertrude, Alexanderdorf, Germany; Instructor in the Monastic Institute at Sant’ Anselmo, Rome since 2008; author of Gehorsam gegunuber dem Abt (St. Ottilien, 2009); “Explication of the RB As a Signal of the Time. Rule Commentaries of the Twentieth Century”, Tjurunga 72/5 (2007) 75-86; ABR 61:2 (2010) 138-149.
Fr. Michael Casey, O.C.S.O. Monk of Tarrawarra Abbey, Australia. After completing a degree in Scripture at Leuven, he received his doctorate from Melbourne College of Divinity for a study of desire for God in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. For the past decades he has been engaged in exploring different aspects of monastic spirituality, writing, and giving conferences throughouth the English speaking world. His books include Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of Saint Benedict (Paraclete Press, 2005) and the Road to Eternal Life: Reflections on the Prologue of Saint Benedict’s Rule (Liturgical Press, 2011).
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