Special Programs and Events

Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary offers a wide variety of special programs and events as a way to reach out to those in the wider community who may be unable to engage in formal theological study following a traditional model but who wish to enhance their knowledge of theology and ministry.

Ongoing Events, Programs, Activities

Theology Day Series

Theology Day is a chance for people in our communities who are seeking a deeper understanding of their faith and its place in their everyday lives and the theologians of Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary to interact with and learn from each other. For more information…. 

Diekmann Center

The Diekmann Center seeks to deepen contemporary understanding of the, early Christian theologians of the first through seventh centuries, and to promote the liturgical renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council. For more information…. 

Summer Activities

Monastic Institute

The Monastic Institute is sponsored and organized by Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary and Saint John’s Abbey annually. Its goal is to foster reflection and conversation on matters of concern to monastic communities and other intentional communities, both Christian and non-Christian.  For more information…

Youth Activities

Youth in Theology and Ministry Summer Institute

Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary’s Youth in Theology and Ministry program strives to apprentice Catholic leadership high school youth, counselors, and their adult mentors to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.  For more information…

National Catholic Youth Choir

The primary focus of the choir is liturgical, and the choir seeks to implement the directive of Vatican Council II that the “treasury of sacred music” be preserved and fostered in the modern liturgy. For more information…

The School of Theology and Seminary supports its students and alumni beyond enrollment and the classroom. Click Attend Events under Alumni & Friends and find more fun.

“Saint John’s holds on to the best of the past but lives totally in the present. It holds questions in respect and answers in awe. It is precisely the kind of place that a world in ethical, religious, philosophical, political and economic upheaval needs.  While other institutions plunge wildly into the modern and some cling neurotically to the past, it is places like Saint John’s that build bridges between the two.” 

S. Joan Chittister, OSB