Refund Policy

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Refunds of tuition, fees, room and board are made to any student who formally withdraws through the Director of Student Services.

For spring and fall semesters, students withdrawing before the first day of classes will be granted 100% credit

If a student withdraws after the 30th day of classes, there is no refund; however, refunds on food will be pro-rated based on the time remaining in the food contract. The date used to calculate the refund will be: in the case of an official withdrawal, the date of withdrawal; in the case of an unofficial withdrawal, the drop-out date which can be documented, but not more than 30 days prior to the current date.

For the summer term, students withdrawing before the second Wednesday of May will be granted 100% credit. If they withdraw between the second Wednesday of May and June 1st, they will receive 25% credit back. If they withdraw after June 1st, there will be no refund.