Ministerial Residency Program: Students


The Ministerial Residency Program for Students

All full time or part time students are eligible to participate in the ministerial residency program. These opportunities allow students to gain ministry experience while taking courses, a space to learn and grow, and a chance to reflect theologically on their experience. Ministerial Residency placements can also be field education placements to meet degree requirements, and are paid positions, which can help relieve the economic stresses on students. Students partner with an affiliate organization for their position, which can be a church, school, or other non-profit organization. They work under a supervisor, who provides them with guidance and feedback on their position.

The programs are 12-20 hours per week. They can be short term semester programs where students develop ministerial programs important to churches or other religious organizations or longer term programs ranging from 1-3 years in which students participate as part-time lay ecclesial ministers for their partnering organizations. Short term program examples include planning and leading a confirmation retreat, developing a shared ministry program, and acting as an RCIA catechist. Longer term programs include working as a music, youth, or liturgy minister, a religious educator coordinator, or an intern in social service.

Why You Should Join the Ministerial Residency Program

The Ministerial Residency Program was established to match you, the student, with partnering organizations who will provide meaningful ministry opportunities for you to learn and advance your ministerial competencies while you work on your degree.

  • All positions are paid, on an hourly basis, to help provide you space to learn and reduce some economic stress while you are in school
  • Your supervisor will help you to discern and name your gifts and your areas for growth
  • You will have a safe space to practice ministry and apply what you are learning in the classroom
  • These positions can fulfill field education requirements for your degree requirements
  • You will receive feedback on your work from experienced mentors and practitioners in the field
  • You will be able to reflect theologically on the ministry you take part in