Pastoral Theology and Ministry (PTHM) Courses

PTHM 401 Evangelization and Catechesis (3)
This course examines contemporary theologies and principles of evangelization and catechesis, theories of human and faith development, and various models and methods of evangelization and catechesis. Particular attention will be given to advancing catechetical leadership skills in assessment and strategic planning for program improvement.

PTHM 405 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry (3)
This course introduces students to the theology of ministry, including historical and contemporary theologies of ordained and lay ministry. Students also explore basic methods in the practice of ministry.

PTHM 408 Introduction to Pastoral Care (3)
This course addresses theological approaches to the "care of souls," including theologies of suffering, grief, and death. Students develop skills in interpersonal dynamics of listening, empathy, systems assessment, professional judgment, and liturgical response in relationship to pastoral care of persons and communities.

PTHM 411 Leadership in the Christian Community (3)
Students will explore contemporary theories of leadership and how they relate to effective styles of pastoral leadership in a variety of ministry contexts.

PTHM 412 Clinical Pastoral Education (4)
Students are required to participate in a basic unit of an accredited Clinical Pastoral Education program.

PTHM 413 Theology of Lay and Ordained Ministry (3)
Students study the biblical foundations, historical development, systematic theology, and canonical structures of lay and ordained ministry in the Church. Cross-listed with DOCT 413.

PTHM 415 Celibacy and Sexuality (3)
This course explores both the understanding of sexuality and celibacy in the Christian tradition in literature and art and the spiritual dimensions of sexuality and celibacy through prayer and personal development. Cross-listed with SPIR 415.

PTHM 417 Homiletics (3)
Students develop speaking, reading, and preaching skills at the Eucharist and in other liturgical contexts. This course emphasizes the form and function of preaching as a theological and liturgical act of communication within a Christian community.

PTHM 418 Dynamics of Spiritual Direction (3)
The study of spiritual direction allows student to develop skills in guiding others to identify and articulate their relationship with God through the life of faith, religious experience, discernment, and prayer. Students learn various models of spiritual direction and the purpose and dynamics of peer and individual supervision.

PTHM 420 Introduction to Ecclesial Law (3)
Students will study the theology, history, and general principles of Church law and build capacity to effectively analyze and solve canonical cases.

PTHM 422 Matrimonial Jurisprudence (2-3)
This course focuses on specialized training in modern tribunal and administrative determinations of civilly dis-solved marriages. Students examine modern annulment practices in local diocese.

PTHM 425 Pastoral Liturgy I (3)
Students will study the development and theology of Christian initiation, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the Rite for the Baptism of Infants, the Rite of Confirmation, the Order of the Mass, and the history, theology, and pastoral use of the liturgical year and calendar. The course includes practica with videotaping for the development of ministerial skills, especially liturgical presidency.

PTHM 427 Pastoral Liturgy II (3)
Students will study the history, theology and pastoral celebration of the rites of Christian Marriage, Reconciliation (communal and individual), Anointing of the Sick, Christian funerals, and the Liturgy of the Hours in parishes. The course includes practica with videotaping for the development of ministerial skills.

PTHM 428 Integrating Spiritual Direction (3) 
Capstone course for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction. Emphasis will be on integrating a theological understanding of spiritual direction with the experiences of practicum. This course will go more deeply into topics already introduced in the pre-practicum course, in addition to covering more advanced issues in spiritual direction. An exploration of Benedictine stability will support the on-going development of contemplative presence. Prerequisites: Completion of the "Practicum for Spiritual Direction" and a recommendation from the Director of Certificate in Spiritual Direction 

PTHM 450 Church Administration (3)
This course allows students to explore the theology and practice of administration in relationship to leadership theory, parish governance, human resources, financial systems, facility management, office services, technology management, and conflict management.

PTHM 452 Youth Ministry (3)
This course will explore the vision and practice of Catholic youth ministry within the framework of a theology of evangelization and catechesis. Emphasis will be placed on exploring contextual issues facing youth and families. Particular attention will be given to developing research methodology for assessing youth ministry programs with the purpose of program improvement.

PTHM 454 Ministry Through the Life Cycle (3)
This course provides an overview of pastoral and spiritual issues that ministers encounter with individuals and families in various life stages. Issues included in the course also include the life cycle of a family and the cycle of healing for people.

PTHM 456 Rural Social Issues (3)
This course is an examination of major social issues affecting rural America, the social justice dimen¬sions of these issues, and their implications for ministry in the Church. Cross-listed with MORL 456.

PTHM 457 Sacramental Catechesis (3)
The course addresses catechetical methods for initiation into the sacramental life of the church and discipleship, including the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, reconciliation, and marriage. Issues of liturgical catechesis, readiness of candidates, preparation of the community, and families will be incorporated.

PTHM 458 Social Ministry (3)
The course examines social outreach programs, which include direct service ministries such as homeless shelters, prison ministry, food pantries, as well as initiatives that address systemic social, political, and economic change. Students explore how the Catholic social teaching traditions inform a broad range of ministries at the parish, diocesan, and national levels.

PTHM 459 Field Education (1-8)
Students work with an organization, project, or parish in the area of their ministerial interest. The supervised experience requires the students to integrate theological competence with pastoral practice in developing vocational identity as a public minister, exploring issues of leadership, power and authority; and gaining facility in articulating the Christian faith and in fostering the development of faith with others. Students will reflect on the practice of ministry in theological reflection groups.

PTHM 465 Integration Seminar (3)
This course represents the culmination of the student's preparation for ministry. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and construct a response to pastoral situations utilizing biblical, theological, historical, and social scientific resources. Students will develop goals for ongoing theological education and spiritual formation.

PTHM 468 Topics in Ministry (1-3)

PTHM 470 Independent Study (1-3)