Benedictine Tradition
Grounded in the Rule of Benedict, a 6th century way of life written by Benedict of Nursia, and the Catholic and Benedictine tradition of Saint John’s Abbey, Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary prepares visionary leaders who are connected to the ancient tradition of the Church and ready to go out and serve the Church and the world.

“Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary (SOT/Sem) thrives within the rich spiritual and intellectual Benedictine tradition of Saint John’s Abbey, which was founded in 1856 to serve the spiritual needs of German immigrants and the greater Church. Rooted in Benedictine values and practices, the SOT/Sem carries forth the Abbey’s mission into the 21st century, embodying and expanding upon the vision of our monastic founders. This connection creates a distinctive academic and spiritual environment where theology is deeply intertwined with prayer, community life, and the tradition of lectio divina.
This vibrant monastic influence fosters a theological culture that permeates our teaching, preaching, and writing, offering a unique approach that addresses the spiritual needs of the Church today. This dynamic exchange between the Abbey and the SOT/Sem enriches both communities, ensuring that theological studies and practice are grounded in the wisdom of the Rule of Saint Benedict and responsive to the pressing questions of our time. Furthermore, as one of the first institutions to offer graduate theology degrees to women, the SOT/Sem continues to lead in promoting inclusivity and theological reflection in service to the wider Church.”
Abbot Douglas Mullin, OSB