Eco Reps

An Eco-ambassador is any Johnnie who volunteers in his resident hall to promote awareness about environmental sustainability and stewardship.  Saint John’s has a proud history of being an environmentally conscious and sustainable campus and as Eco-ambassador you will be able to continue this proud tradition. 

If  you are interested in becoming an Eco-ambassador, contact the SJU Office of Sustainability ([email protected]).

It is no secret that our cooperative behaviors have many harmful impacts on the environment.  However, we can collectively take action to reduce these impacts and change our world for the better. While the effort of one individual may seem futile, the collective effort of an entire residence hall full of students can make a huge difference.  That is the philosophy behind Eco-ambassadors, to encourage your fellow students to collectively participate in environmentally sustainable behaviors

There are NO prerequisites to becoming an Eco-ambassador!  Anybody who has interest in environmental sustainaiblity and wants to gain valuable leadership experience can do it! 

Eco Ambassadors

  • Spread news about sustainability related events on campus
  • Communicate with peers about suitability related issues
  • Assist the SJU Office of Sustainability and the Eco Houses with events
  • Act as Sustainability ambassadors for the campus
  • Attend a brief monthly check in meeting with the SJU Office of Sustainability