SJU Student Senate

Constitution and Elections

Saint John’s University Student Senate Constitution


We are twenty-two students comprising an integral group whose mission is to represent student interests, concerns, and welfare with respect to the mission and values of Saint John’s University. Elected from the St. John’s student body, the Senate works with the University’s administration to enhance all aspects of student life. The Senate functions distinctly; no administrator has the authority to force a course of action or to remove a senator, without exception. The Senate recognizes the University's vested interest in its financial operations.

Land Acknowledgement

Both the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University occupy the original homelands of the Dakhóta and Anishinaabe peoples. We honor, respect, and acknowledge the Indigenous peoples forcibly removed from this territory, whose connection remains today. Saint Benedict’s Monastery and Saint John’s Abbey previously operated boarding schools for Native children. Now, students, faculty, and staff are working to repair relationships with our Native Nation neighbors.

Values Statement

As a representative body, the Senate has an obligation to justify its decisions and actions on certain normative values, including accountability, equity, and efficiency.  As stewards of the Student Activity Fee, Student Judicial Affairs, and Student Affairs in a community founded upon a rich Benedictine tradition, the Senate’s decisions reflect our interpretation of values such as community, taking counsel, respect for persons, listening, dignity of work, hospitality, stewardship, truthful living, moderation, common good, and justice.

Revised 4/17/2023