Safety & Emergencies
Some emergencies may require evacuation of certain areas of buildings, entire buildings, or portions of campus. Evacuation information will be shared via Bennie/Johnnie Alert, along with information about where to assemble once you have evacuated.
Violent Intruder
- If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate
- Evacuate whether others agree to or not
- Leave your belongings behind
- Help others escape if possible
- Prevent others from entering the area
- Lock and/or barricade the door
- Silence your cell phone
- Hide behind large objects
- Remain very quiet
- Your hiding place should:
- Be out of the shooter’s view
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction
- Not trap or restrict your options for movement
- Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
- Act with physical aggression
- Improvise weapons
- Commit to your actions
CALL 911 when it is safe to do so. You can also text 911 if you are unable to make a voice call.
- Remain calm and follow instructions
- Keep your hands visible at all times
- Avoid pointing or yelling
- Know that help for the injured is on its way
Physical and/or Sexual Assault
If you have been assaulted by a stranger or someone you know, you should:
- Call CSB Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911 right away if you are in immediate danger.
- Call a supportive person such as a family member, a residential life staff member or an advocate from a crisis line.
- Get medical help. You may also have physical injuries that need attention as well as concerns about pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases.
- If you were sexually assaulted, do not shower or clean yourself in any way. Important physical evidence can be gathered up to 72 hours after an assault.
- Consider contacting local law enforcement to report the incident.
- Consider meeting with the Dean of Students, Security, or Life Safety to obtain information about the CSB/SJU Sexual Misconduct Policy and Complaint Procedures.
- Sexual assault is a violation of the state criminal code and the CSB/SJU Sexual Misconduct policy. Violators could face disciplinary action under either or both judicial systems.
- Sexual Assault is a severe form of sexual harassment and prohibited by Title IX.
- Seek support and counseling. Resources are listed on the right of this page.
Bomb Threat
Bomb Threats
Remain calm. Use the checklist below to record information concerning the bomb threat. Have this list ready for the authorities when they arrive.
Anyone discovering a suspicious object or receiving a bomb threat should immediately call CSB Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911.
If a suspicious object is discovered, you should:
- Not attempt to touch or move the object
- Evacuate the immediate area
- Notify CSB Security or SJU Life Safety
- Await further instructions
What will happen next?
- A building search will be made by appropriate persons.
- Security and/or Life Safety personnel will contact and interview the person who received the bomb threat.
- An evacuation may occur.
- When authorized, the “All Clear” will be given by Security or Life Safety.
Bomb Threat Checklist
If a bomb threat is received by phone, ask:
- Where is the bomb located?
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
Record the following information for campus security and police:
- Time of call
- Date of call
- Exact words the caller used
- Speech pattern, accent
- Background noises and description (music, people talking, cars or trucks, airplanes, children or babies, machine noise, typing, etc.)
Chemical Spill
If at CSB, contact CSB Security at 320-363-5000.
If at SJU, contact SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911
Give them:
- Building name
- Floor
- Room number
- Type of accident
- Chemical(s) involved
If you have contact with the spilled material, remove any contaminated clothing immediately and flush all areas of bodily contact with large amounts of water. Continue for 15 minutes.
The Security Office or Life Safety will supply the proper response team and notify the environmental health and safety officer.
Medical Emergency
Call CSB Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911.
Give the following information:
- Building location
- Type of injury, illness or symptoms
DO NOT MOVE the injured person unless they are in a life-threatening situation.
COMMUNICATE with persons in your area who are trained in first aid and/or CPR and are available for assistance.
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.
AEDs are located in the following locations on campus: (We need the locations for SJU)
Mental Health
A mental health emergency is a life threatening situation in which an individual is imminently threatening harm to self or others, severely disoriented or out of touch with reality, has a severe inability to function, or is otherwise distraught and out of control.
Call CSB Campus Security (320-363-5000) or SJU Life Safety Services (320-363-2144) or call 911. Give the following information:
- Building location.
- Description of the behavior(s), situation, and person/people involved.
Mental Health Crisis
A mental health crisis is a non-life threatening situation in which an individual is exhibiting extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress, considering harm to self or others, disoriented or out of touch with reality, has a compromised ability to function, or is otherwise agitated and unable to be calmed.
- Call CSB/SJU Counseling & Psychological Services – state that you have a person in crisis:
CSB: 320-363-5605
SJU: 320-363-3236 - Escort them to either Counseling office:
CSB: Health Center – Lottie Hall, Lower Level
SJU: Personal & Professional Development Center – Mary Hall 10 - Contact CSB Campus Security (320-363-5000) or SJU Life Safety Services (320-363-2144) if you would like an escort.
- If possible, remain with the person until help arrives.
Special Circumstances
If the person in Mental Health Emergency or Crisis is contacting you by text, voice or video communication:
- Attempt to get the person’s name, phone number and location.
- Keep the conversation going while you get someone’s attention and, depending on the level of urgency, seek professional help.
If the person in Mental Health Emergency or Crisis is communicating with you by email:
- Print email, include contact info.
- Depending on the level of urgency, seek professional help.
Criminal Activity
If you see a suspicious person on campus, call CSB Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911. Report as much information as possible including:
- What the person(s) is/are doing
- The location
- Physical and clothing description of those involved
- Vehicle description and license plate number, if appropriate
- Direction of travel when last seen, etc.
If you observe a crime or believe a crime is in progress, immediately notify CSB Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911. Report as much information as possible including:
- What the person(s) is/are doing
- The location
- Physical and clothing description of those involved
- Weapons involved
- Vehicle description and license plate number, if appropriate
- Direction of travel when last seen, etc.
In the event of utility failure (water, electric, heat), call CSB Campus Security at 320-363-5000 or SJU Life Safety at 320-363-2144 or 911. Be prepared to give:
- Building name
- Floor
- Room number(s)
- Nature of problem
- Person to contact and telephone extension
You will be notified if further action is needed.
If a power outage impacts the campus phone system:
- Use your cell phone to call CSB Security at 320-363-0563 if you have an emergency.
- Use your cell phone to call SJU Life Safety at 320-363-1007 if you have an emergency.
These numbers are only active during a power outage.
CSB Emergency/Fire:
- 9-911 (911 from CSB Campus)
- 320-363-5000
SJU Emergency/Fire:
- 911
- 320-363-2144
Mental Health Contacts:
You can call either office of Counseling & Psychological Services (CSB: 320-363-5605, SJU: 320-363-3236) with questions about counseling or referrals.
After Hours and Weekends: Call CSB Security (320-363-5000) or SJU Life Safety Services (320-363-2144) or 911.
Central MN Mental Health Crisis Line: 320-253-5555
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
- CSB Campus – 320-363-5000
- SJU Campus – 911
- Saint Cloud – 320-521-1200
- Saint Joseph – 320-363-8250
- Stearns County Sheriff – 320-251-4240
- Highway Patrol – 320-255-2916