Parking & Traffic
SJU Life Safety Services is responsible for managing all parking, traffic and safety issues regarding the use of vehicles on Saint John’s campus. It is important for all to know that The Saint John’s University has a limited number of parking spaces on campus and for that reason, must facilitate parking in order to accommodate the high usage of parking areas on campus.
Parking Regulations
Parking rules are enforced 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Evening parking is allowed in any lot not including guest lots. Evening parking begins at 4 p.m. and ends at midnight Sunday through Thursday and 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Guest lots are reserved for visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There is No Parking from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. in the employee lots.
There is no open parking during weekends and holidays.
Unattended vehicles may not be stored on campus over the summer without written permission from the Traffic Coordinator.
- All vehicles parking at Saint John’s University need to be registered with SJU Life Safety Services within 24 hours.
- Parking for students commuting by private vehicle is limited. Please use the CSB/SJU Link Bus to travel between campuses.
- Parking on campus is a privilege, not a right.
- Students are personally and finacially responsible for insuring that their guests register their vehicles with CSB Security or SJU Life Safety Services and that they park in authorized areas only.
- All student and employee vehicles must have a valid campus parking permit permanently affixed to the driver’s side back seat window. Cellophane, laminate, Scotch tape or other temporary adhesives may not be used to attach the permit.
- Counterfeiting, altering, transferring or defacing a parking permit or providing false information upon registration of the vehicle is subject to fines or loss of privilege to operate a vehicle on either campus.
- Students whose parents are employed by CSB/SJU or otherwise have access to a vehicle with an employee parking permit are not authorized to park that vehicle in areas reserved for employee parking. Misuse of permits in this manner could result in fines for the vehicle operator and the employee’s loss of parking privileges on either campus.
- All vehicles are limited to parking in designated spots and must be parked between two solid white lines. It is impossible to post NO PARKING signs in every campus location that is not intended for parking. If a space is not marked as a parking space, it shall be considered a NO PARKING space.
- Parking is NEVER allowed in fire lanes, bus lanes, roadways, or in areas marked by yellow curb or “No Parking Anytime” signs. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Guests are welcome to park in any guest or non-restricted parking spaces upon registering their vehicle with CSB Security or SJU Life Safety Services.
- Notices will be posted as to when and where to move vehicles for lot maintenance/snow removal. Vehicles must be removed for lot maintenance and may be towed at the owners’ expense if not removed. Vehicles must return to their assigned lots once lot maintenance is completed.
- Permission for entering barricaded areas for loading and unloading must be obtained from SJU Life Safety Services prior to entry.
- In the event of a license plate change, a new vehicle is obtained, or a loaner/temporary vehicle is brought to SJU, Life Safety Services must be notified within two business days.
- Bicycles riders must obey all traffic laws. Bicycles must be secured in the bike racks provided. All others will be confiscated.
- All vehicle users who disregard policies are subject to fines, towing and/or loss of parking privileges.
- Employee lots, guest lots, fire lanes, bus lanes, no parking zones, posted zones and handicap restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day, including breaks, weekends and summer.
- There is no student or employee parking allowed in any Monastery area, These areas are reserved 24/ hours for specific vehicles and monastery events.
- Restrictions on unregistered overnight guest parking are always enforced. Vehicles remaining are subject to towing at owner’s expense.
- Motorcycle parking is allowed when weather permits in designated areas April 1 through Nov 1.
- Students, staff and faculty who drive or park vehicles on campus are subject to fines and/or other penalties for citations they receive on either campus.
Student Parking Locations
Driver Category | Permitted Parking Locations |
Prep students | Prep students parking lot, Science Lot #2 |
First-Year students | Flynntown, Science Lot #2 |
Sophomores | Flynntown, Watab, Science Lot #2 |
Juniors | Flynntown, Watab, Science Lot #2 and North Palaestra |
Seniors | Flynntown, Watab, Science Lot #2 and North Palaestra |
SJU graduate/Continuing Ed | Flynntown, Emmaus |
CSB students | Flynntown |
Motorcycle users | Designated areas in Flagpole and Flynntown Lot, April 1-Nov. 1 |
Speed Limits on Campus
Campus speed limits are set to provide for the safe movement of persons and vehicles on campus. Please respect the posted limits.
- SJU Speed Limit- 20 mph on roadways and 10 mph in parking lots
Parking Fines
- Snow removal/lot maintenance – $25 (plus towing fee)
- Illegal parking (no permit, permit not displayed, expired permit) – $25
- Restricted and posted areas (guest and time limited, no parking, incorrect lot) – $25
- Driving or parking on sidewalks, lawns, around gates/barricades – $50
- Moving violations (speed, reckless/careless driving, inattentive) – $50
- Falsifying, transferring or altering permit or permit information – $50
- Handicapped Zone Violation – $100 (non-appealable)
- Wheel lock removal – $50
- Safe and Sober Violation – $50 (non-appealable)
- Any violation after the 3rd ticket received during an academic year – $50
- Fire lanes – $50 (non-appealable)
- Emergency response violation – $200 (non-appealable)
- Vehicles not registered that have to be looked up through the Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicles to identify owner and operator – $10 (in addition to any fines for violations)
- Failure to update information upon license change – $10
Those whose driving or disregard of parking regulations threatens the safety of the campus or demonstrate an unwillingness to park responsibly, or receive a third violation are required to meet with the traffic coordinator and may have their permit and/or driving privileges revoked on either campus. Upon receipt of a 7th ticket, driving privileges may be revoked until a review takes place. The registered owner of the vehicle will be held responsible when the driver cannot be determined. Vehicles will be wheel-locked or towed at owner’s expense if there is a continued disregard of policy. Vehicles blocking fire lanes or parking in a posted tow away zone are subject to tow at the owner’s expense. CSB Security and SJU Life Safety Services parking violations are placed directly on vehicles.
Emergency Response Violations
Individuals and vehicles that impede the emergency response of medical, fire security security and Life Safety personnel or vehicles are subject to judicial sanctions, towing of vehicles and may have their permit or driving privileges on the CSB/SJU campuses revoked. These sanctions are not open to appeal as they impact the health and wellness of our communities. Actions that fall into this category would include, but are not limited to:
- Interfering with the actions of emergency or responding personnel
- Parking in Fire Lanes or blocking access to a building during an emergency
- Reckless endangerment of campus life and property
Appeal Process
Those believing they have received a citation in error or have extraordinary circumstances may appeal the violation by completing the Appeals Form on-line. The appeals form should be brought up on the appropriate campus’ website where the violation occurred (CSB Security-www.csbsju.edu/csbsecurity or SJU Life Safety-www.csbsju.edu/lifesafety.) All appeals must be submitted within ten days of the violation date. Appeals made more than 10 days after the offense will not be accepted (unless DMV look up required).
Parking Permits
The purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee a specific parking space.
Parking permits are issued for SJU students online at the SJU website 24/7 through the Forms Manager Portal. SJU Employee and Corporate permits may be obtained at Life Safety Services bewtween 8am and 4pm Monday through Friday. Guests who park a vehicle on campus must register the vehicle so that it is properly identified. The legal owner or family member responsible for the vehicle must register vehicles.
Student vehicle permits are issued for one vehicle for a one year period. Students should remove expired permits so that the current permit is the only one displayed. Permit registration is on-line. Pre-registered permits can be picked in your student PO Box.
- $150 +tax annually for students living on or off campus
- $5 +tax annually for motorcycles if owner has purchased a full year permit for a car
- $5 +tax charge for permit replacement
Temporary Parking Permits
SJU temporary permits are $7 + tax per week period and are affixed by its adhesive to the upper corner of the driver’s side backseat window.
Parking Restrictions
In order to promote orderly parking for all students, faculty, staff, monastics and guests, the following guidelines must be followed:
- Students whose parents are employed by CSB/SJU, or otherwise have access to a vehicle with an employee parking permit, are not authorized to park that vehicle in areas reserved for employee parking. Misuse of permits in this manner could result in fines for the vehicle operator and the employee’s loss of parking privileges on either campus.
- Employee lots, student lots, guest lots, fire lanes, bus lanes, no parking zones, posted zones, and handicapped restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day.
- There is no student or employee parking allowed in any Monastery area. These areas are reserved 24 hours for specific vehicles and Monastery events.
- Restrictions on unregistered overnight guest parking are always enforced. Vehicles remaining are subject to towing at owner’s expense.
- Motorcycle parking is allowed when weather permits in designated areas, April 1- November 1.
- Students from CSB and SJU who drive or park vehicles on either campus are subject to vehicle and/or parking fines and violations of both campuses.
Defensive Driving
Persons operating a college or university owned vehicle are required to complete the CSB/SJU Defensive Driving Program. Information regarding this process is available via the links and the CSB Security website, SJU Life Safety Services website and under “Defensive Driving” on the A-Z index.
Employee Parking Permits
Employee Permits are issued once per vehicle for the term of employment. Employees should register any additional vehicle that might be used on a regular basis.
Employee Parking Locations
At SJU, all employees with permits must park in designated employee parking areas based on location of employment. For SJU employees in the Science Center and Library, Quad, Wimmer, Luke, SBH, Peter Engel, Guild Hall and Sexton Commons, parking is assigned to Faculty, Mary, Prep Street Faculty, Flynntown, Palaestra and Flagpole. For SJU employees in Physical Plant, Art Center, Liturgical Press, and Emmaus, parking is assigned to Power House, Fire Hall, Liturgical Press, Flynntown and Palaestra. For SJU employees in the Palaestra, parking is assigned to Palaestra lot.
Electric Vehicle Policy
Physical Plant / Life Safety Services
- Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to outline SJU protocols for usage of indoor or outdoor electric outlets for vehicles on campus.
- Policy:
- The plugging in of a vehicle to indoor or outdoor outlets on the SJU Campus is not allowed unless approved by SJ Physical Plant and Life Safety Services.
- Vehicles found in violation will have the electrical cord confiscated and subject to ticketing.
- SJ Physical Plant will provide an outdoor electrical outlet for plug in/docking station for vehicles (ie, electric, diesel).
- The outlet location will be at the discretion of SJ Physical Plant.
- The outlet parking location will have reserved signage posted for the registered vehicle.
- The parking location will be reserved, Mon-Fri, 7am-5pm.
- The vehicle needs to utilize the outlet.
- Unauthorized vehicles utilizing this space and/or outlet will be ticketed and/or towed.
- Only CSB/SJU employees will be considered for usage of the electrical outlet.
- CSB/SJU employee must submit a request via email to Life Safety Services for use of an assigned outlet.
- Requests will be approved as they are received until all the provided outlets have been filled.
- Approved vehicles will have priority during each fiscal renewal.
- The costs associated to the outlet and parking space will be billed once per fiscal year at $300.00.
- The vehicle must display the appropriate special use permit upon being approved, and appropriate employee permit.
- The vehicle must be moved when the parking area is closed for maintenance/snow removal. The move will be for a temporary amount of time and an alternate location to plug in will not be provided.
- The request for use of an assigned outlet must be renewed every fiscal year.
This is being done on a trial basis and changes may occur upon need.