Liturgy & Sacraments

The Saint John’s Campus Ministry Liturgy and Music department, believing “that the Divine Presence is everywhere” (RB 19), helps the campus community to deepen relationships with the Lord through worship in the Catholic Benedictine tradition so that “when we assist at the Word of God… [we] sing His praises with understanding.” (RB 19)

This is done primarily through Sunday and weekday Eucharistic celebrations, special prayer services, and seasonal liturgical celebrations.


Masses are offered on Sundays and throughout the week. Let us join as a community to give thanks and praise for all the good the Lord has done.

All are welcome.

SUNDAY: 9PM Student Mass in the Abbey Church. 

MON – FRI: 5PM Daily Mass with the Monastic community in the Abbey Church

FRI: 1:40PM Daily Mass with SJUfaith Chaplain and Team in St. Francis Chapel

Other Mass Opportunities

CSB Campus Ministry – Sunday 6:00 PM, Sacred Heart Chapel

Saint John’s Abbey – Weekdays 5 PM, Saturday 11:30AM, Sunday 10:30AM

Liturgical Ministries

To volunteer, email Campus Ministry, or ask a Campus Minister at 9PM Mass. 

Opportunities to assist

Liturgy of the Hours

In his first letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul exhorts believers to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17). One way the Church carries this out is through the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours. Prayed at various times throughout the day, the Liturgy of the Hours, joins the universal Church together in common prayer. Do as Christ did and build up each day with the Psalms, remembering and reflecting upon the everyday sacred presence of God in our lives.

All are welcome to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours with the monks of Saint John’s Abbey in the Abbey Church.

Music Ministry

Everyone is invited to participate in music ministry for 9PM Student Mass and other liturgies.  There are a variety of ways listed below in which you can get involved.  If you are interested, please contact Andrew Remick, Director of Liturgy and Music.

SJU Campus Ministry Choir

The SJU Campus Ministry Choir sings for 9PM Student Mass.  Rehearsal is 7:45-8:45PM before Mass.  All are welcome to sing – no audition needed.  The choir sings music ranging from chant, traditional hymnody, to more recent hymns and songs.  Occasionally, the choir will prepare choral pieces for offertory or communion.


Cantors are responsible for singing the Psalm and intoning the Gospel Acclamation at 9PM Student Mass and Football Masses (4:00PM after home games). They also serve as leaders for the congregation.  Cantors are scheduled for each Mass in advance and are encouraged to schedule a brief rehearsal during the week with the accompanist and music director.


If you play an instrument, you are welcome to participate at 9PM  Mass.  The choir does not only need singers but also support from guitarists, woodwind players, brass players, string players, and percussionists.  Instrumentalists rehearse with the choir (7:45PM Sunday) and should notify the music director in advance so music can be prepared.

General Musician

SJU Campus Ministry invites musicians (singers and instrumentalists) for a variety of other liturgies outside of Mass.  These include reconciliation services, prayer services, and Liturgy of the Hours.  If you are interested and you are not already participating in other music ministries, you will be placed on our call list for when these services are being planned. Ask Andrew Remick about getting involved in our liturgies outside of 9PM Mass


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a chance to receive and experience forgiveness and spiritual healing.

SUNDAY EVENINGS – 8:15PM to 8:45PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel (East side of the Abbey Church)

To schedule a private reconciliation appointment OUTSIDE of this timeframe, contact the Saint John’s Chaplain, Fr. Nick Kleespie, OSB.

Rights of Christian Initiation of Adults

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) and Confirmation Preparation is the process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic Church.  The OCIA process is specifically designed for:

Contact Us

Mary Hall 100
Saint John’s University
Collegeville, MN 56321-2000

[email protected]