Saint Benet Hall Chronology
New College Hall and Auditorium “At the faculty meeting, January 22, 1921, it was decided to erect as soon as possible a College Hall with a capacity of 125 students and a new auditorium with a capacity of 750. The new building will be in the form of an L and will stand north of the church, in direct line with the facade of the main building, according to present plans.” The Record, February 1921, p.70.
The New Building “A change of location for the new College Hall was considered advisable after a consultation with the architect, Mr. John T. Comes, of Pittsburgh, March 14, 1921. It is not to front in the same line with the main building, as at first planned, but about 100 feet back toward the gymnasium. Some of this space having been filled in, necessitates a probing for the foundations.” The Record, April 1921, p.173.
The New Building “Partial plans for the new College Hall have been received from the architect, Mr. John T. Comes, of Pittsburgh, and are now under discussion. As soon as final plans are accepted, pictures of front elevations will appear in The Record. The eighty-five loads of stone which have been hauled by the students indicate that the actual building operations are not far distant.” The Record, May 1921, p.234.
Ground Broken “Work on the new College Hall commenced in earnest when a force of workmen with teams, plows and scrapers began to excavate, May 23, 1921. The work of excavating the nine feet in depth will be completed shortly and it is expected that the ceremony of laying the cornerstone will take place early in August. The building will be 48×142 ft. and four stories high, with basement and sub-basement.” The Record, June 1921, p.288.
The College Hall “Work on the new building was temporarily suspended, June 7, after a heavy downpour of rain. The excavation resembled a great swimming pool. Operations proceeded after a prolonged pumping. Now stone is being crushed preparatory to building the foundations.” The Record, July 1921, p.332.
Campus Changes “Work on the new College Hall, which is in the hands of the Gauger-Korsmo Construction Co., of St. Paul, is being rushed (two stories are now almost completed, which are expected to be ready for occupancy by the first of next February).” The Record, October 1921, p.384.
The New College Hall “The re-enforced concrete skeleton of the new College Hall, which is being constructed by the Gauger-Korsmo Construction Company of St. Paul, has been completed and the roof will go on before the snow begins to fly. All the contracts for the plumbing, heating and electric features have been let and work on the installation of these is well under way. The bricklayers arrived and began operations on the 24th of October and are expected to have completed their work by the middle of December if weather conditions remain favorable. Not only enormous quantities of brick but almost all the other materials necessary for the completion of the structure have arrived and completely cover the campus. The contractors state that the two lower floors, the basement and first floor, will be ready for occupation by the middle of January. The lower floor will contain four standard bowling alleys, a large and roomy billiard hall, a college smoking room and the confectionery store. The first floor will house one super court and three other hand-ball courts and the High School and College lounging rooms. In accordance with the contracts the entire building must be completed and ready for occupation by the first of July. The work is now far ahead of schedule, however, and the structure my be ready for occupation some time before the required date.” The Record, November 1921, p.426.
College Hall “The brick and cement work on the new building is practically completed, also the electric wiring. Windows are being put in and the plumbing fixtures installed. If the weather remains favorable the roof will be tiled during January. The interior wood work will be started shortly as well as work on the arched passage way which is to connect the hall with the Main Building.” The Record, January 1922, p.26.
New College Quarters “Work on the new College Hall has progressed rather slowly of late owing to transportation difficulties and weather conditions. However, the interior walls are almost all in place, and the plumbing, steam fitting, and electrical work is being pushed.” The Record, February 1922, p.72.
College Hall “Work on the new College Hall is nearing completion. The roof has been covered with special curved tiling, and on the ridge appear three attractive ventilators. Interior finishing work and the arch which is to connect the building with the main building at the rear of the Commercial Hall are about all that remains to be completed.” The Record, May 1922, p.248.
Halls Names “St. John’s various halls have been named. Collegiate students will occupy the new building, which is known as St. Bennet’s Hall. College Preparatory students will be grouped in the old Senior, now St. Gregory’s Hall. Scholastics and ecclesiastical students will have a hall of their own which will be known as St. Bede’s Hall. The Junior Hall has been renamed St. Anselm’s Hall.” The Record, July 1922, p.341.
Bennet Hall “The beginning of the school year also marked the formal opening of the modern, fireproof residence hall which has been erected at an approximate cost of $150,000. The opening of Bennet Hall, named in honor of St. Benedict, marks another step in the expansion program of the University. The building ranks as one of the most modern and most beautiful residence halls of Northwestern colleges.” The Record, October 1922, p.383.
Saint Bennet Hall “St. Bennet Hall, completed in the summer of 1922 at a cost of $150,000, is a beautifully designed five-story structure, 142×48 feet, with complete basement. It is absolutely fire-proof and modern in every way. The basement and the first floor supply additional gymnasium and recreational facilities. The basement contains four bowling alleys, and a four-table pool room. On the first floor are four handball courts, lounging rooms for the college preparatory and college students and a confectionery store. Two study halls and a class room are located on the second floor. The third and fourth floors contain 55 furnished study rooms, with east and west exposure. On the top floor is the common dormitory. The purpose of the building is to provide suitable living quarters for college students. The building accommodates 130. St. John’s University Catalog, 1923, p.9.