Guild Hall (Old Gymnasium) Chronology

“The authorities of St. John’s have decided to erect a fine Gymnasium during the coming summer.”  The Record, January 1901, p.38.

“Mr. Charles R. Aldrich is now preparing for approval a plan for the proposed new gymnasium, which will contain a large hall, 60×90 feet in dimensions, for the large students, and a smaller one, 30×60 for the Juniors. The larger hall will have an elevated running track. In an annex to the gymnasium, closets, bathrooms, and several recreation rooms will be fitted up, and two bowling alleys will be placed in the basement of the same.”  The Record, February 1901, p.79.

“The gymnasium will be constructed of brick. The face of the outside walls will consist of the best Menomonee brick, the core of the walls and the inside face will be made of St. Cloud bricks. Over half a million bricks have been purchased, a large proportion of which is already delivered. The necessary excavations will be begun as soon as the condition of the soil will permit and work will then be pushed with all possible vigor, so as to have the new building ready for use at the opening of the next school year.”  The Record, March 1901, p.119.

“On May 14, the foundation of the gymnasium was begun. The foundation walls of the Gymnasium are about half completed.”  The Record, May 1901, p.199.

“With fairly good weather, rapid progress is being made, so that now (July) the walls of the gymnasium have already risen to a height of ten feet and give the spectator some idea of the magnificent appearance of the building which will greet the students upon their arrival next September.”  The Record, June 1901, p.240.

“The new buildings are now under roof. Both in the Library and in the Gymnasium the fire-proof floors are being laid with all possible dispatch. The electricians are busily engaged placing the wires for lighting purposes, whilst a force of steam-fitters is extending the steam-heating system into the new buildings. In our next issue we hope to give a view and lengthy description of the new Gymnasium.”  The Record, October 1901, p.279.

Full description of new Gymnasium. The Record, November 1901, p.301.