CSB and SJU Student Newspapers on Vivarium

[See also the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, including the St. Cloud Register and the St. Cloud Visitorwhich together cover 1949-2006.]

The entire run of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University student newspapers have been digitized and are available for full-text searching online. The CSB newspaper was published between 1965 and 1999, and had several title changes. The SJU newspaper, The Record, has been published since 1888. In 2000 it became a joint CSB and SJU newspaper.

Issues can be searched separately, collectively, or browsed; see below.

An  IN-HOUSE SUBJECT INDEX to selected articles from The Record and other campus publications is also available, as is one to CSB-only Student Newspapers; NOTE that both are useful for locating citations to only  major articles on a subject.  The articles cited are not linked to the full text, and would need to be found using the links below.

Searching for Text:
For a general search of the collection by keyword, simply type a word or words in the box below. Do not add Boolean operators between words the “and” is automatically used by the search engine.

Search by Exact Phrase:
Use this search box for searching the transcripts for names, titles, and other exact phrases.

Browse the Collection:

All CSB and SJU newspapers
All SJU & Joint newspapers: The Record, 1888-current 
    (see also its SJU IN-HOUSE SUBJECT INDEX to selected articles)
CSB-only newspapers, 1965-1999 
    (see also their  CSB IN-HOUSE SUBJECT INDEX)
CSB’s 1965-1973 newspaper,  The Torch
CSB’s 1973-1976 newspaper,  Vitae
CSB’s 1976-1987 newspaper,  The Cable
CSB’s 1987-1998 newspaper,  Independent
CSB’s 1998-1999 newspaper,  The Saints
Spoof/Parody issues
  See also The Sagloid spoof in the 1936 Sagatagan yearbook and its predecessor, The Tabloid in the 1935 yearbook.