
There are many ways to get engaged at CSB+SJU, and clubs are a great way to expand your network. Here is everything you need to know about clubs and organizations!

New Club Recognition Process

Club Recognition is the process by which students propose the creation of a new club.

Eligibility Requirements

The following criteria must be met before club status is considered.

Mission Statement:

The club’s purpose and function must be consistent with the mission statement of the institution(s). A clearly defined statement on how the club’s mission is consistent with the mission of the institution(s) and the Catholic, Benedictine tradition must be included in the constitution.


Membership is open to all CSB/SJU students exclusively. Currently enrolled students must be allowed to join any recognized club. Student club’s agree to comply with the Institutions Joint Human Rights Policy  in regard to membership. Clubs must have at least 10 student members in order to be recognized.


A club must have a constitution that clearly states its purpose and function. Please follow the constitution template on the Student Leadership & Engagement website as closely as possible. New constitutions should be submitted electronically to [email protected] and to Dylan Maanum ([email protected]). Contact Dylan Maanum at x2211 if you have questions.


All student clubs require advisors who are employees of CSB/SJU. Advisors must complete an Advisor Contract for club recognition, and each year after that as part of club registration.

Institutional Policy:

Student clubs are required to comply with all institutional policies and procedures as listed in the Bennie Book and the J-Book.

Joint Club Board (JCB):

Student clubs must comply with the Joint Club Board Guidlines. The guidelines devised by the Joint Club Board apply to both joint and individual campus clubs.

The JCB evaluates whether a potential club meets start-up guidelines. It assesses the constitution of each proposed club and votes on whether to recognize the club or not. 

Once a club has been officially approved, the JCB works with the organization to ensure that JCB guidelines are being met and that the club receives the necessary support. The JCB also reviews club grievances and develops club/organization policy.

Procedures for New Student Club Recognition

Students are welcomed to initiate and organize clubs whose stated purpose is consistent with the two institution’s mission statements and its Catholic, Benedictine tradition.

Recognition of a student club by the institution is an acknowledgment that the club has complied with all eligibility requirements and recognition procedures. Recognition also implies that the institution approves of the organization’s constitution and bylaws. Access to certain benefits (listed below) are available to recognized organizations.

A. Potential Clubs must submit the following paperwork to Student Leadership & Engagement one full week prior to the date that the Joint Club Board convenes to consider the club proposal:

  1. A completed Club Recognition Form including the name of an advisor, a list of club officers, and a list of initial members — potential clubs must have a minimum of 10 initial members.
  2. A copy of the club’s constitution. Also, email copies of your constitution to [email protected] and to [email protected].

Click here to see a template for creating a club constitution.

A signed Advisor Contract.

B. Potential clubs who require the use of CSB and/or SJU indoor or outdoor athletic facilities to achieve the club’s mission must obtain the approval of the CSB Club Sports Commissioner and the SJU Athletics Coordinator before submitting a proposal to the Joint Club Board.

C. Faith based clubs must obtain approval by CSB and SJU Campus Ministry prior to submitting a proposal to the Joint Club Board.

D. When all application materials are completed submitted to Student Leadership & Engagement- [email protected], Mary Hall 025, the proposed club’s file is ready for review by the JCB.

Review Process:

  • The JCB will review the materials. The JCB will consult with the appropriate staff, faculty, advisors and/or student groups before considering granting or denying recognition of the proposed club. The JCB considers the following questions when evaluating a new club proposal:

    • Is the club beneficial to the student body in a way that is worthy of the commitment of institutional resources?
    • Is the club inclusive and welcoming to all CSB/SJU students? 
    • Will the club sponsor events that are inclusive and welcoming to all CSB/SJU students?
    • Are the club’s activities, mission and goals consistent with the Benedictine Values?
    • Is the club unique?  Does it duplicate the efforts of another club?
    • Is the proposed club sustainable over time?
    • Are there at least ten students who will be active club members?
    •  Is the club managed by CSB/SJU students?
    • Do the club’s election and management procedures reflect a concern for the interests of all potential students?
    • Will the potential club maintain its financial accounts at CSB/SJU and comply with institutional financial policies?
    • Will the club’s funding be used primarily for events for CSB/SJU students?

  • The JCB votes to recognize or deny the proposed student club. If recognized, the co-chairs sign off on the Recognition Form. This form is then sent to Student Leadership & Engagement.

Benefits of Recognition

CSB/SJU recognized clubs are eligible for access to a number of services and benefits which currently include the following:

  1. Recognition as an institutionally-affiliated group
  2. Use of the institution’s name in the club’s title and in association with the club’s activities
  3. Listing of the club in official publications of the institution including the Bennie Book and the J-Book
  4. Consideration for funding during the academic year
  5. Options for requesting to hold fundraising events and solicitation
  6. Use of institutional printing services
  7. Use of media services equipment
  8. Inclusion in the annual club fair
  9. Access to the staff, resources, and services of Student Leadership & Engagement
  10. General coverage provided under institutional insurance
  11. Use of the CSB/SJU Bulletin Board App for advertising.

Club Travel Guidelines

Planning a club trip

1.Create a detailed budget that includes the following:

  • Transportation costs including any airfare, busing, Uber, institutional vehicle use or personal car mileage costs

    • If you are flying include the cost of getting to and from airports
    • If you are renting a bus from a transportation company include the cost of a tip and the cost of lodging for the bus driver

  • If you are traveling outside of the continental United States include the cost of travel for a CSB/SJU staff person required by institutional policy to accompany an international trip
  • Lodging costs including tax

    • The tax on lodging is typically not included in the room rate that is advertised on line. These taxes can be significant. You can find the tax rate on the hotel website.

  • Registration fees if you are attending a conference or competition
  • Ticket fees if you are attending a show or event
  • Food costs
  • Travel insurance

If you are traveling outside of the continental United States include the cost of travel insurance required by the Center for Global Education for international travelers.

Once you have completed your detailed budget, email Dylan Maanum to set up an appointment to go over trip details.

2.Secure all of the funding for your trip.

  • Clubs should submit an Expense Request to the Co-Funding Board to apply for funding.
  • Clubs should instruct all travelers to deposit their share of hotel and travel costs into the club’s generated account and give the receipt from the deposit to the trip leader who will in turn give them to Dylan Maanum in Student Leadership & Engagement.
  • Contributions from departments can be transferred to the club’s generated club account be emailing the business office.

In the Case of Travel Expenses the CFB may only fund: 

Up to 65% of the cost to rent a university van/car for the use of a student group.

Up to 65% of the cost of fueling the university van/car for the duration of the trip.

Up to 65% of the cost of other modes of transportation in situations where it is deemed cost-effective by the board.

Up to 65% of the cost of lodging/hotel fees for club affiliated attendees of approved conventions/conferences.

Up to 65% of the cost of the fuel for a non-university van/car.

Approved travel and lodging expenses not to exceed $8,000 per year.

In the event of a weather-related emergency or natural disaster, the CFB may fund 100% of unanticipated travel costs even if that causes total travel costs to exceed the $8,000 cap.

In the Case of Travel Expenses incurred during international travel the CFB may only fund:

Up to $300 per person toward the cost of lodging and travel.

Approved travel and lodging expenses not to exceed $6,400 per year.

In the e​vent of a weather-related emergency or a natural disaster, the CFB may fund 100% of unanticipated travel costs even if that causes total travel costs to exceed the $6,400 cap.

The CFB may not fund:

The cost of food for any participant of an approved convention or conference, unless included in the cost of the conference or event.

Individual membership fees except when the payment of such fees reduces the overall cost of attending the conference.

If the funding you are requesting is for international travel (travel outside of the USA), you must comply with additional policies and procedures before you can receive institutional funding.

CSB and SJU does not guarantee funding or reimbursements for advisor’s travel cost even though they are required by institutional policy for international trips. 

3.Once all necessary funds are secured, club travel costs (hotel and airfare) will be paid by Dylan Maanum in Student Leadership & Engagement with an institutional credit card.

  • Individual traveler contributions must be deposited into the club’s generated account before travel arrangements are made.
  • Although travel costs can be paid with an institutional credit card, when traveling students are strongly advised to bring an additional form of payment — such as a personal credit card — in the event of an emergency or an unexpected financial issue. ​

4.Complete Travel Forms

There are two types of forms that must be completed before students travel. These forms must be completed whether you are traveling a short distance (simply to St. Cloud) or a long distance and whether you are using a personal vehicle, campus vehicles or vehicles rented from an outside company. 

  • Click here to complete a Trip Notification Form.  This form should be completed by the trip organizer and is used to keep track of travelers in the event of an emergency.
  • Each individual traveler must complete an online Trip Waiver Form. The submission of this form can be tracked by Forms Manager to insure authenticity; the form is only valid if submitted from your personal Outlook account. Do not submit this form from another user’s account.

If your club hopes to use an institutional vehicle, reserve the vehicle by completing a Vehicle Reservation Form or by emailing [email protected] and copying [email protected] & [email protected].

All club use of institutional vehicles must be authorized by Aaron Voth in Student Activities.

5.Keep all travel receipts and return them to Dylan Maanum, SJU, Mary Hall 025.

This includes gas receipts, Uber receipts, hotel folios and any other paperwork that verifies a travel expense. You can only be reimbursed for travel expenses if you provide actual receipts.


  • If you are hoping to be reimbursed for travel expenses, the reimbursement must be approved by the Co-Funding Board prior to travel or the reimbursement is not guaranteed.

  • All club use of institutional vehicles must be authorized by Aaron Voth in Student Leadership & Engagement.

  • Only registered CSB/SJU students and current CSB/SJU community members are allowed to participate club trips.

  • All international trips require that a CSB/SJU faculty/staff advisor travel and stay with the students.  The advisor’s travel expenses should be considered part of the cost of the trip, and trip participants will have to include these expenses in their travel budget. 

  • The CSB/SJU Extra-Curriular Policy and Class Attendance Policy pertains to all students on institutionally sponsored trips.  

Solicitation Permit Application
Club Waivers
Involvement Purchasing Request

Involvement Fair Fall 2023 is completed.
Revisit here Fall 2024!

This form is for submitting a request for an Involvement purchase only. Registered clubs may spend up to $75 of the operational money they receive from the Co-Funding Board on promotional or tabling items for the Involvement Fair.  You can request either an online purchase or a purchase order that allows you to shop at a local vendor.

If you wish to make purchases beyond the $75 limit your club must have the generated funds to cover the expense.

Items purchased with Involvement dollars cannot be sold.

Use this form to request the following types of purchases:

  • Food from CSB Catering
  • On-Campus Purchases (Duplicating,  Bookstore)
  • Online Purchases (Promotional Items, Event Supplies)
  • Purchases from Local Vendors (Walmart)         

 You will be notified if your request is approved, and how to proceed with your purchases.

CSB/SJU departments and organizations are not eligible for Co-Funding Board dollars and must provide their own funding for Involvement tabling supplies.

Master Calendar

Club Forms & Resources


African Student Association

ASA shall serve as a community based organization where students and faculty of African descent at CSB+SJU can come and join discussions and activities that concentrate and pertain specifically to them. It is also a goal of the ASA  to share the culture and traditions of African nations and especially those that are represented within the CSB+SJU campus and neighboring communities.



To uplift and empower women of color majoring in STEM fields


AKS Sorority

We provide women with service opportunities as well as a safe place to make connections.

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Archipelago Caribbean Association

Purpose: To teach and inform the CSB+SJU community about Caribbean culture and to bring diverse events and mindsets to the campus climate.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

Art Club

The Art Club is devoted to the promotion of the arts at CSB+SJU and th surrounding community. Our mission is focused on the promotion of creativity and fun while connecting with art faculty and the artist community of Central MN

Email[email protected]

Bennie Buddies

Bennie Buddies wants to provide first year Saint Ben’s students with the unique opportunity to be mentored by one of their student peers. Their mission is to strengthen the Saint Ben’s community by connecting first years with an upperclassman they are compatible with, and allow them to form a real relationship witha “Big Sister” they will have on campus.

Email[email protected]

Bennies In Business

Bennies in Business strives to provide Bennies with the opportunity to network with other successful women in the professional realm and to grow professionally in a positive environment.

Facebook  |  Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  Website

Email:  [email protected]

Biology Club

The purpose of our club is to foster the love for science particularly biology while also providing opportunities for students to meet with professors and other biology professionals to help create a great learning environment.


Email: [email protected]

Black Student Union

The purpose of Black Student Union is to bring students from diverse backgrounds together to build a sense of community, promote and advocate for diversity, and encourange cultural identity.

Email[email protected]

Body Positivity Club

Body Positivity Clubs mission is to create and maintain an environment on campus for people of all identities to appreciate their bodies, to ditch comparison/shame, and to educate the CSB+SJU community on fat and weight related stigma to create a healthier, more inclusive community.

Email[email protected]

Campus DJ’s

The purpose of Campus DJs is to provide music for any clubs that have events whether it’s for promoting a cause or for dances.


Email: [email protected] 

Chemistry Club

The Chemistry Club’s purpose is to involve chemistry and BioChemistry Majors/Minors in active events of the club and to encourage first-year and sophmore participation in events and get to know upperclassmen for advice and help. Intending to offer an education and fun environment for interaction among students and faculty through events.

Email[email protected]

China Cross Cultural Communication Club

The mission of the Chinese Cross Cultural Communication Club (5Cs) is to provide students from a different background with opportunities to get together as a cooperative community have fun, and interact with students from other groups.

Email: [email protected]

Climate Justice Club

The purpose of Climate Justice Club is to raise awareness of the global impacts of climate change, and help students become involved in taking action against them.

Facebook Instagram

Email:  [email protected]

College Democrats

The purpose of the College Democrats is to provide a place for the Democrats on campus to attend party-specific events, stay informed on party platforms and stances, and to provide a setting for general political conversation. Also, for students who are unsure of their political party leanings, the College Democrats will provide the conversation that will help them to decide their political identities.

Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Email:  [email protected]

Computer Science Club

The purpose of the Computer Science Club is to promote the Computer Science major and prepare CSB+SJU students of all majors to be contributing members of the CSCI community.

Email: [email protected]

Crew Club

Club sport dedicated to teaching rowing and providing an avenue of competition for students on campus.

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

CSB Club Lacrosse

The Womens Lacrosse Club offers students at CSB an opportunity to actively learn, participate in, enjoy, and promote the growth and development of the sport. Members of teh club represent CSB+SJU in competition within the North Central Women’s Lacrosse Leage (NCWLL)

CSB Club Soccer

Email[email protected]

CSB Club Volleyball

The purpose of Club Volleyball is to allow CSB students to continue to play competitive volleyball throughout college.


Email: [email protected] 

CSB Dance Team

The Dance Team is an athletic club for women, combining art and sport, and promoting physical fitness & will help build a sense of community and cooperation within a group of women.

Website |  Facebook |  Twitter |  Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

CSB Figure Skating

To provide an opportunity for students to keep a figure skating in college.

Website |  Facebook |  Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

CSB Rugby

To empower women to join a sport that is rising in the United States and compete in friendly, yet competitive environment with other rugby clubs in Minnesota and across the Midwest.

Website |  Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

CSB Ultimate Frisbee Club

Practice and play ultimate Frisbee. Attend tournaments.

Website |  TwitterInstagram

Email: [email protected] 

Drama Club

With Drama Club, we hope to provide an environment for people having all levels of interest in theatre to express themselves and grow, both as artists and people. Theatre can be a creative outlet and a stress reliever. It brings together the unlikeliest of people. Moving forward, if we can accomplish all three of those things — being an outlet and a stress reliever, and bringing together people from all across campuses — I would consider it a success.

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected] 

Dynamic Speech and Debate Team & Club

The CSB+SJU Dynamos’ mission is to bring the excellent Art of Debate and Speech to the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. As distinguished Dynamos, students can gain many valuable skills, such as public speaking, communication, strategic planning and critical analysis. Not only will students obtain aptitude in these areas, but the CSB+SJU Dynamos also provides an open forum for new ideas and thoughts on world and national politics, literature, global issues, and many other topics.

Email: [email protected]

Education Club

The purpose of the Education Club is to provide future educators with materials and knowledge that will help them in their future classrooms.

Email[email protected]

Exploring Latin American Culture (ELAC)

The purpose of Exploring Latin American Culture (ELAC) is to bring Latin American events to the school so that all students can participate and engage in the Latin American culture and traditions.

Email[email protected]

Entrepreneurship Club (E-Club)

The Entrepreneurship Club is a group of student, academic, and business leaders dedicated to fostering a spirit of entreprenurship. By promoting enterprise and collaboration between students and local leaders, the CSB+SJU Entrepreneurship Club seeks to develop a sustainable future for our planet and increase the quality of life across local and glocabl communities. E-Club will provide the students of CSB+SJU the best opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork , and communication skill through learning, practicing and teaching the principals of entrepreneurship.

Facebook Instagram

Email[email protected]

Finance Club

The overall purpose of the Finance Club is to inform its members of career opportunities in the financial services industry through networking while amplifying and applying their knowledge.

Email: [email protected]

French Club

The purpose of the French Club is to promote French language and francophone cultures on campus.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Global Health Affairs

The purpose of Global Health Affairs is to increase the awareness of CSB+SJU students on global health issues. A major component of this club will raise awareness about the mission of the international organization, Global Brigades and the needs of community members in Central America and Ghana.  Moreover, issues such as AIDS, multistrain tuberculosis, mental health, and  maternal-child health will be addressed in the greater context of the world. ation, and enter the workplace.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Great Books Club

The objectives of the Great Books Club are to promote discussion and understanding of great books, provide a forum for all students to express their views on the meaning of these books, and to make our campuses more educated and understanding of other worldviews.

Email[email protected]

Hmong American Involving Students (HAIS)

The purpose of our club is to promote cultural understanding of Hmong culture on the CSB+SJU campus, and to build a community across all cultural contexts. HAIS is dedicated to establishing and maintaining Hmong Culture on campus as well as building relationships among students and providing resources to enable students to become affective leaders in their community.

Facebook |  YouTube| Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Indigenous Student Association

To promote Native American/indigenous culture in settings and in context that reflect upon Benedictine values and the inclusion of multiculturism on our campuses. We aim to inspire and include those who are interested in the indigenous culture along as provide a space for students who identify as Native American/indigenous. In addition to this, we aspire to provide a welcoming, inclusive, non-judgmental support system for anyone wishing to be a part of ISA.


Email: [email protected]

International Affairs Club

To offer Bennies and Johnnies an academic atmosphere to explore international relations. By providing both on-campus research opportunities and off-campus conferences, the International Affairs Clubs seeks to promote civic engagement at both the domestic and international level.


Email: [email protected]

Irish Dance Club

The purpose of the Irish Dance Club is to teach others Irish dance and continue to learn more about Irish Dance for those who may already know it. We wish to spread the knowledge of Irish Dance and represeent the culture through Dance and Music. This is a place for individuals to learn and grow.

Email[email protected]

Japanese Bunka Club

Engage in cultural exchange that introduces traditional and modern Japanese art forms. Incorporate music, dance, and instruments such as taiko drums and stringed instruments such as the shamisen and sanshin. Actively learn and create a cultural environment through exercise. Combine styles of movement, including Japanese traditional dance, Okinawan dance, karate, ballet, hip hop, and more . Nourish bodies at meetings and practices with Japanese treats


Email: [email protected]

Johnnies & Bennies in CommunityThe purpose of this group is to volunteer and make a positive impact in the community by being servant leaders and demonstrating the Benedictine values of CSBSJU in our actions.

Email: [email protected]
Letters of LoveLetters of Love club provides emotional support to children battling chronic illness in long-term care with handmade cards filled with love and kindness from a supportive community.

Email: [email protected]
Lifeline MinistryLifeline is a group of students focused on growing spiritually through scripture studies, discussion and fellowship. Lifeline provides a welcoming place where all are invited to life one another up in faith and empower one’s authentic self.

Email: [email protected]
Magis MinistriesPurpose: To promote community and faith at CSB+SJU.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Marketing Club

To educate CSB+SJU students about different areas of marketing which includes but may not limit branding, advertising, networking, etc. This will enable them to gain experience in marketing through offering our services as a club to the CSB+SJU community and area businesses.

Facebook |  Twitter Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Nordic Ski 

Promote Nordic skiing and foster a competitive athletic spirit amongst its members.
Educate and encourage members of the CSB+SJU community to experience all that Nordic skiing has to offer.
Endorse the importance of taking pride in being an athlete as well as a student.”


Email: [email protected]

Nursing Club

To promote the nursing major, to bring the nurses together, to offer help and connections and mentorship for underclassmen nurses to upperclassmen nurse.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Nutrition Club

The purpose of this club is to promote nutrition awareness and healthful eating practices to the CSB+SJU communities.

Website |   Facebook |  Twitter |  Instagram 

Email: [email protected]

Pickleball Club

The purpose of the Pickleball Club is to connect CSB+SJU students interestede in playing pickleball on campus. Functioning as a social platform for members to utilize the Pickleball Club offers an active environment that links students who wish to make friends and play pickleball.

Email[email protected]

Political Science Club

The purpose of the Political Science Club is to introduce the political science department to people who may not understand what the field entails and encourage students to use their voices and share their ideas in the classroom.

Email: [email protected]

Pre-Dental Club

The purpose of the Pre-Dental Club is to provide information to pre-dental students at CSB+SJU. Our goal is to aid students in the dental school application process in several different ways. With the help of the Pre-Dental Club advisor, we teach students about the steps of the application process. Then, the club provides dental service and learning opportunities to help enhance a student’s application.


Email: [email protected]

Pre-Law Society

Purpose: To provide experiential learning for those interested in law, as well as create a positive environment conducive to learning. 

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Pre-Med Club

Purpose: To provide opportunities and resources to students on the pre-med track, to ensure future success in their aspired careers. The club also aims to bring medical school admission representatives onto campus, as well as provide medical related jobs and volunteer opportunities to the student body.

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Pre-Physicians Assistant Club

Purpose: Our club educates students about the PA profession. We hold meetings such as what the PA career is all about, the application process, and what classes students on the Pre-PA Tract should be completing.

Facebook Instagram

Email: [email protected]


Purpose: To foster creativity and writing skills among the CSB+SJU community. To share stories and expose students to new ideas and forms of expression.

Facebook | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Psychology Club

The mission of physcology club is to provide phsychology-related events to students interested in psychology, and to provide an environment that promotes additional or supplemental information regarding psychology.

Email[email protected]

SJU Club Hockey  

The Saint John’s University Club Hockey Team exists to allow students to play a game that they love at a competitive level against other schools that share the same passion for the game.

Email: [email protected]

SJU Club Lacrosse

The purpose of the St. John’s University Lacrosse club is to give students the opportunity to enjoy a sport they are passionate about, and compete at a national level.

Website |  Twitter |  Instagram

Email: [email protected]

SJU Club Volleyball

The purpose of this club is to bring members of the Saint John’s community together to develop volleyball skills and play the game at a competitive level.


Email: [email protected]

SJU Rugby

The purpose of SJU Rugby club is to allow students the opportunity to play Rugby.


Email: [email protected]

SJU Ultimate Frisbee Club

SJU Ultimate Frisbee Club’s purpose is to promote physical, mental and social fitness, to build leadership, initiative, and teamwork amongst the members and to promote the sport of Ultimate in a competitive and sportsman-like manner.


Email: [email protected]

Special Olympics Association

The purpose of The Special Olympics Association is to raise awareness for people with disabilities, promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities, and to educate students and faculty on the CSB+SJU campus about better ways to treat, interact, and build relationships with people with disabilities (pertaining specifically to those with  physical and intellectual disabilities).


Email: [email protected]

Students for Life

The purpose is to bring awareness and education to all forms of human life from conception to natural death.

Facebook |  Twitter |  Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Studio One

The purpose of Studio One is to publish a literary journal each year. A group of students get together each week to evaluate poetry, prose, and art submissions to be included in the journal. Once all pieces are selected we work together using InDesign to create the journal. The club is meant to bring together those interested in reading, writing, art, and publishing. Going through the publication process can be especially helpful for those interested in pursuing a career in publishing.

Email: [email protected]

Table Top Gaming    

The purpose of Table Top Gaming is to create a safe and welcoming environment where any student/faculty/staff member can come take a break from schoolwork/work and play board games along with new students.

Discord |  Instagram

Email: [email protected]

The Record

The Record is the official newspaper of CSB+SJU. Their goal is to inform, enlighten, entertain and engage the communities the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University through local news, arts, entertainment, sports news and campus opinions.

Website |  Facebook |  Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Trapshooting Club

The purpose of the trapshooting club is to bring community to campus through the recreation of sport. The club will educate all interested students in the sport of trapshooting and the safe handling of firearms.

Email[email protected]

The Walking Club

The Walking Club (T.W.C.) is designed to get the people of CSB+SJU to build more admiration for the University by having facilitated walks through campus and the Saint John’s Abbey Arboretum.


Email: [email protected]

Ukulele Club

● To create and maintain a community of new and experienced ukulele players

● To meet and share an environment of music

● To increase musical participation for students, faculty, and staff of the CSB+SJU community of all ability and interests


Email: [email protected]


Contact Us

Serving CSB and SJU

Saint John’s University
Mary Hall 025

[email protected]