RedTalks 2014

A blend of camaraderie and fast-paced talks

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April 17, 2014

The presenters for REDTalks 2014 gather for a photo outside the Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis.

The second annual REDTalks event was held Wednesday, April 9 at the Brave New Workshop's Experimental Thinking Centre in Minneapolis.

REDTalks is a learning event that blends CSB/SJU camaraderie with fast-paced talks about captivating ideas that spawn from CSB/SJU community members. Each presentation spans five to 15 minutes in length, and is presented by a combination of students, faculty, staff and alumnae/i.

This year's topics ranged from "Fantasy Football from a Lineman's Point of View" to "Perspectives on Relations between Iran and the United States" and "Sitting is the New Smoking."

There were 93 attendees on site and approximately 40 viewers of the live webcast.

The event was created by the CSB/SJU Young Alum Committee to serve both the young alums and the young-at-heart alums. With a new partnership between the CSB/SJU Young Alum committee and the Brave New Workshop this year, the audience was expanded to include a webcast for students and to also provide a programming opportunity for alums who live outside of Minnesota.

The rebroadcast is available for a limited time at

View a photo gallery of the event.