Violence Prevention

The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University do not tolerate sexual misconduct.

Unfortunately, incidences of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking continue to happen at CSB and SJU. Young people between the ages of 18-24 are at the highest risk of experiencing all forms of violence.

Have you been impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking? You have choices. Find a safe place to go. Seek medical attention. Get support. Visit Project EMBRACE for supportive resources.

Reporting Options

To talk about your options for reporting, support, and resources, contact the Title IX Office at 320-363-5943. Talking to the Title IX Office does not automatically activate a complaint process.

File a report

Just Need to Talk?

Seeking support aids in recovery. CSB and SJU encourage students to file reports, but sometimes students just need to talk to someone confidentially.

Confidential Resources:

Please note that all faculty and staff, other than the above listed confidential resources, are required to report any knowledge they have regarding incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking.

What can we do as a community to prevent harm before it happens?

CSB and SJU are committed to efforts that educate on how to prevent violence before it happens.

There are several programs that focus on increasing awareness of these issues on the CSB and SJU campus.

Project EMBRACE (Empowerment, Belief, Respect, Advocacy, Care, Equity)

Project EMBRACE works to create awareness of violence prevention efforts as well as provide support and information to our campus communities. To learn more, visit: Project EMBRACE

Bystander Intervention

CSB and SJU describe themselves as communities that are caring, hospitable, and welcoming. Even still in these communities, we have language, attitudes, actions, and behaviors that can lead to or possibly cause problematic, if not dangerous situations. 

To truly be campuses with healthy and caring attitudes and practices and have a culture that is civil, respectful, and non-violent, we need community members who are ready, willing and able to intervene in inappropriate, high risk, or problematic situations. Engaging community members in intervening is the goal of the one-hour CSB and SJU bystander intervention program.

This program is being offered by the CERTS (Consent, Equality, Respect, Talking, Safety) Student Health Promotion Team. 

If you would like to set-up a CERTified presentation, contact the CERTS team via e-mail at [email protected]. If you do not hear back from the CERTS group, contact their staff advisor, Tamara Hennes-Vix, CSB Title IX Coordinator, [email protected].

BEST (Be Equal, Safe, and Trustworthy) Group

The BEST curriculum is a party-themed sexual violence prevention strategy designed to equip students with the analysis, relationships, and skills necessary to shape campus environments they influence and control.

BEST was developed by Men as Peacemaker's, a nonprofit located in Duluth, MN, with a focus on developing skills to identify root causes of sexual violence (inequality, domination, and oppression) and build a commitment to applying shared values and environment shaping skills that systemically construct a "new normal" of campus equity and safety.

For information about the BEST group training or to discuss scheduling the group, contact Sally Sands, Assistant Director of Health Promotions, [email protected].