Sexual Concerns

You may experience a variety of sexual concerns after an assault. You may not want sexual contact whatsoever, or you may need intimacy – stroking, nurturing, holding and not want to be sexual. You may experience some confusion about separating sex from sexual abuse. Particular sexual acts engaged in by the assailant may provoke flashbacks and thus be very difficult to engage in.

Remember, YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME, even if:

Having safe and consensual sex can allow us to feel that sense of satisfaction that is aspired by so many and you have the opportunity to connect with your partner(s) more intimately. Here’s what we mean by having consent during sex.

Consent means…

Printed with Permission From: UNLV Care Center
Title: Student’s Guide to Radical Healing zine
First edition: April 2020
Second edition: May 2021

Crisis Center Resources: