Four people are in a gym setting. One person is riding a stationary bike with another checking their blood pressure. A third person is observing, and a fourth is taking notes on a clipboard. The scene appears to be a fitness or health assessment.

Why Study Occupational Therapy at CSB & SJU?

  • Trained and committed faculty advisors from different areas
  • Prerequisite courses and study resources that help prepare students for the graduate record exam (GRE) and the occupational therapy program of your choice
  • Interdisciplinary health-focused programs of study
  • Experiential opportunities in local clinics and volunteer organizations

Program Objectives

  • To prepare well-rounded applicants for occupational therapy graduate programs, building on a strong curricular foundation in the natural and behavioral sciences
  • To provide students the resources to approach the study of health along creative, interdisciplinary paths
  • To provide students opportunities to gain clinical exposure and learning through a variety of co-curricular experiences