Driving Directions
Take I-94 to the Saint John’s exit.
- Exit 156 to Saint John’s is approximately 10 miles west of St. Cloud.
- Turn south toward the SJU campus.
- Continue with the appropriate directions below.
The Prairie Kiosk
- Continue south about 1/2-mile from I-94. The kiosk is a small wooden structure in the prairie on the left side of the road.
- There is a gravel parking loop at the entrance to the trail.
- If school buses are present (often during Sept-Oct and Apr-May field trip seasons), please park in the field on the opposite side of the road.
The Sugar Shack
Approximately 0.8 miles from the science center at SJU. The road is plowed but is often muddy and rough. People have gotten stuck before. We recommend parking by the Saint John’s Prep School and walking out to the shack if you are able.
Walking Directions – approx. 20-30 min from campus
- The sugar shack is located near the Prep School athletic fields.
- Walk down the Old Entrance Road and pass the stone arch on your right.
- Take the next right down a gravel road. Walk up the hill and pass the athletic fields.
- The sugar shack is the small brown building with a blue roof.
Driving Directions
- Continue south from I-94 toward campus.
- Turn left at the 4-way stop and drive past Science Lots 1 & 2 towards the Prep School.
- At the fork, turn left onto the Old Entrance Road.
- If the gate is locked, use the intercom to connect with Life Safety Services for entry.
- Turn right and drive uphill onto the gravel logging trail which leads to the sugar shack.
Outdoor U Offices
- Continue to the 4-way stop (approx. 1 mile from I-94) and turn left on Prep School Rd.
- Continue for 1/4 mile until the brown sign for Science Lot 1 & 2. Turn right, continue to the bottom of the hill into Science Lot 1. The New Science Center is the building on your left as you enter the parking lot; Peter Engel Science Center is attached.
- Enter the building, turn right at the pendulum and walk through the glass hallway. Go up one flight of stairs to the second floor, walk through the glass doors and take an immediate right. All Outdoor U staff are located in this hallway, rooms 201-213.
- Note: there is an elevator to the 2nd floor. Walk through the glass doors before going up the stairs and the elevator is directly ahead on the right.