Hunt Districts Assigned

Updated November 21, 2024

Note: The right-hand column “# of Unassigned Spots” shows the available openings.

DistrictName# of Unassigned Spots
E31Br. Ansgar’s Pine Curtain1
E32S of Old St. Joe Road0
E33Fast Fawn1
E34Maple Sugar Bush0
E35Hilary Lowlands N0
E36W of Hilary0
E37E of Hilary0
E38N of Kleinsee1
E39South Flats1
E40S of Logging Road0
E41Deep South0
E42Tower Field Rim2
E44Lake Sagatagan NE Shores6
E45Lake Sag SE Shores/Chapel1
N91Watab Meadows0
N92NW of Collegeville Station1
P11Trinity Hills4
P12Pine Knob East3
P13Pine Knob West0
P14Gravel Pits0
P15Disk golf2
P16Oak Savanah 0
P17South of Restored Prairie Wetland0
P18Freeway Hills0
P19Prairie Wetland0
P20Main Restored Prairie0
P21East Freeway Conifers0
P22West Freeway Conifers0
S51Stumpf South Shores0
S52Steep Hills2
S53Sag West Shores1
S54Sag South Shores1
S55Apostle Islands2
W71Watab Picnic Grounds1
W75Grooter’s Woods0
C01Abbey/University/Upper Campus0
C02Prep School/Science Athletics0
C03Prep School Fields0
C05SW Flynntown/Lower Campus0
C06Flynntown/Lower Campus0
C07Durenburger Playing Fields0
C08Tower Playing Fields0