Hunt Districts Assigned
Updated November 21, 2024
Note: The right-hand column “# of Unassigned Spots” shows the available openings.
District | Name | # of Unassigned Spots |
E31 | Br. Ansgar’s Pine Curtain | 1 |
E32 | S of Old St. Joe Road | 0 |
E33 | Fast Fawn | 1 |
E34 | Maple Sugar Bush | 0 |
E35 | Hilary Lowlands N | 0 |
E36 | W of Hilary | 0 |
E37 | E of Hilary | 0 |
E38 | N of Kleinsee | 1 |
E39 | South Flats | 1 |
E40 | S of Logging Road | 0 |
E41 | Deep South | 0 |
E42 | Tower Field Rim | 2 |
E43 | Centerpiece | 2 |
E44 | Lake Sagatagan NE Shores | 6 |
E45 | Lake Sag SE Shores/Chapel | 1 |
E50 | Walz | 2 |
N91 | Watab Meadows | 0 |
N92 | NW of Collegeville Station | 1 |
N93 | Nordost | 4 |
P11 | Trinity Hills | 4 |
P12 | Pine Knob East | 3 |
P13 | Pine Knob West | 0 |
P14 | Gravel Pits | 0 |
P15 | Disk golf | 2 |
P16 | Oak Savanah | 0 |
P17 | South of Restored Prairie Wetland | 0 |
P18 | Freeway Hills | 0 |
P19 | Prairie Wetland | 0 |
P20 | Main Restored Prairie | 0 |
P21 | East Freeway Conifers | 0 |
P22 | West Freeway Conifers | 0 |
S51 | Stumpf South Shores | 0 |
S52 | Steep Hills | 2 |
S53 | Sag West Shores | 1 |
S54 | Sag South Shores | 1 |
S55 | Apostle Islands | 2 |
W71 | Watab Picnic Grounds | 1 |
W75 | Grooter’s Woods | 0 |
C01 | Abbey/University/Upper Campus | 0 |
C02 | Prep School/Science Athletics | 0 |
C03 | Prep School Fields | 0 |
C04 | Orchard/Cemetery/Garden | 0 |
C05 | SW Flynntown/Lower Campus | 0 |
C06 | Flynntown/Lower Campus | 0 |
C07 | Durenburger Playing Fields | 0 |
C08 | Tower Playing Fields | 0 |
TOTALS | 38 |