MPCC Scholars Showcase

Represent CSB and SJU Research Community at the Minnesota Capitol!

Abstracts due December 1.

The Minnesota Private Colleges’ Private College Scholars at the Capitol provides a powerful opportunity to hear from undergraduates about the wide array of research they’ve undertaken. At this event, scholars share what they’ve learned and take questions from policymakers and the larger MN community, specifically highlighting how their work connects to the public good. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholars invites students interested in presenting to submit a 160-word abstract by December 1 for consideration; up to 2 students/teams will be selected to represent CSB and SJU at this exciting event.  

To apply, email the following info to [email protected] by December 1:
  • Name, Major
  • Hometown Address (MN Students are given preference)
  • Research Mentor's name
  • Title of project
  • 160 word abstract
  • Keywords
  • OURS will select our 2 CSB and SJU representatives during the week of December 4. 
  • The Showcase will be held on Wednesday, February 22 from 9:30am-11:30am at the MN Capitol. The format will be similar to a poster session where visitors will stop by your poster to hear about your work and ask you questions.
  • From 12-1pm, there will be a complimentary celebration lunch.
  • An abstract booklet and a listing for the student presenters with their project focus areas.
  • OURS will cover all associated costs with this event, including poster printing and transportation.
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Elianna Knutson
Temporary Director
Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholars
Experience Hub
CSB Clemens A116