Fellowships Portfolio

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

The Fulbright provides 8-10 month grants for students to conduct research, pursue academic study or teach English abroad in over 140 different countries. 1,900 awards are given annually. Requires university nomination and students apply in the fall of senior year or as recent alumni.

  • Benefit: Funds one year of research or academic study abroad. 
  • Campus Deadline: September 10
  • National Deadline: Middle of October 
  • More Info: https://us.fulbrightonline.org/

Marshall Scholarship

The Marshall Scholarship provides students with the opportunity to study for 2-3 years at any university in the United Kingdom. Selection criteria include distinction in intellect and character, potential to significantly contribute to society and US-UK relations, strong motivation and seriousness of purpose. 40 awards are given annually. Requires university nomination; students apply in the fall of their senior year, but an earlier start is needed to have a strong application.

Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Trust selects 32 outstanding scholars each year on the basis of academic excellence, commitment to public service, moral character, and leadership ability. The award funds 1-3 years of graduate study at the Universit of Oxford in England. Requires university nomination; students apply in the fall of their senior year, but an earlier start is needed to have a strong application.

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

The Goldwater recognizes highly qualified undergraduate researchers in science, mathematics, and engineering. Competitive applicants will have significant research experiences, superior academic accomplishments, and plan to pursue a Ph.D. and a research-based career. 275 Awards are given. Requires university nomination as a sophomore or junior.

Truman Scholarship

The Truman Scholarship is a $30,000 merit-based grant awarded to undergraduate students, who wish financial support to attend graduate or professional school in preparation for careers in government, the non-profit sector or elsewhere in public service at a leadership level. The Foundation seeks candidates who have extensive records of public and community service, are committed to careers in government or elsewhere in public services, and have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills. Financial need is not a consideration. Students apply as college juniors. The national deadline is early February, though there is also an internal deadline. An in-person interview in March or April is required. 

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Gates Cambridge Trust enables outstanding students to study at the University of Cambridge. Criteria include demonstrated intellectual ability, leadership capacity, and the desire to use knowledge to contribute to society. 40 awards are given to U.S. students and students apply in the fall of senior year. 

Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

The Udall foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or the environment. 

  • Benefit: $7,500 scholarship towards tuition plus Udall Scholars Orientation and Networking Opportunity
  • Deadline: Early March, requires campus nomination 
  • More Info: https://udall.gov/
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Elianna Knutson
Temporary Director
Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholars
Experience Hub
CSB Clemens A116