
Betsy Berens

Advice for future CSB/SJU student researchers:

“Participate in research as much as you can at CSBSJU! These opportunities won’t always present themselves so take the chance now. During research, you learn many transferable skills; time management, internal motivation, and collaborating with others. These skills will be beneficial to use anywhere in life or future employment, not just dietetics. In my experience, my research advisor has mentored me in improving my written and oral communication skills. Additionally, I always know my advisor will be a source of support in academics and life. The relationships you build with fellow research students and your faculty advisor can be invaluable.”

Betsy Berens
Accuracy of Nutrient Intake Values from Four Popular Nutrition Tracking Apps
College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Emily Heying, PhD, RD, LD
Chair, Nutrition Department
CSB Ardolf Science Center 159