
Instrumental Ensemble Auditions

2024-2025 Academic Year

All auditions for the 2024/2025 academic year for Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and Orchestra will be completed by online video submission. Cell phone videos are acceptable if that is the only equipment available. All the information you need to complete and submit your video is provided below. If you are auditioning for multiple ensembles, you will need to complete separate submissions for each ensemble.

If you have questions after reading the information below, please contact:

Video Requirements

All audition materials on the video must be done in one, continuous, un-edited take. (Keep the camera on at all times through the audition). Your face and fingers/valves/slides/sticks must always be visible in the video.

Submission for All Applications:
  1. Upload your video to YouTube as an “unlisted” video.
  2. Secure a download link for the file that you can share with us. Please check to make sure that the permissions will allow us to view your video.
  3. Click on the link to the appropriate audition application (see below) and complete the form. There will be a place within the form for you to share the link to your audition video.
Important Dates:
  1. Audition applications and recordings are due Monday, August 19 (one week prior to the first day of class).
  2. Results will be communicated by Friday, August 23 via email.
  3. First Rehearsals
    1. All who earn a position in each ensemble will attend their first regularly schedule rehearsal:
  • Wind Ensemble: Monday, August 26, 3:20-4:40pm, D-040
  • Jazz Ensemble: Tuesday, August 27, 2:40-4:10pm, D-040
  • Orchestra: Tuesday, August 27, 6:30-9:30pm, D-040
Instrument Access – Woodwind, Brass, and String Players

If you do not have access to an instrument, we recommend one of the following:

  1. Contact your high school director to borrow an instrument to complete your audition video.
  2. Contact your local instrument store to rent an instrument to complete your audition video.
  3. Schedule an appointment to rent an instrument from CSB SJU. The date for instrument pick-up will be Friday, August 2 from 1:00-4:00pm at the BAC on the CSB campus.
    1. Woodwinds and Brass
      1. Schedule your appointment by contacting Dr. Justin Zanchuk at [email protected]
    2. Strings
      1. Schedule your appointment by contacting Dr. Andrew Towsey-Grishaw at [email protected]
    3. Guitar
      1. Schedule your appointment by contacting Dr. Ryan Picone at [email protected]

    Wind Ensemble Content

    Your audition video will contain:

    1. A short introduction of yourself and the name of your audition piece(s)
    2. Woodwinds/Brass
      1. Play any solo piece or etude of your choice approximately 2-3 minutes in length demonstrating good sound, quality intonation, musical imagination, rhythmic integrity, and technical control of your instrument.
      2. Play your instrument part from m. 66-end of Shepherd’s Hey by Percy Aldridge Grainger. If provided, please play all cues in your part. Tempo is half note = 88-100. For a reference recording, please listen to the link HERE.
      3. Play your chromatic scale, preferably the full range of your instrument. At a minimum, play two octaves up and down.
    3. Percussion
      1. Play any solo piece or etude of your choice for snare drum approximately 1-2 minutes in length (play on snare, practice pad, or any drum to which you have access)
      2. Play any solo piece or etude of your choice for mallets approximately 1-2 minutes in length (play on any mallet instrument or piano to which you have access. If you cannot access a keyboard instrument, please skip this portion of the audition)
      3. Play m. 165-199 of Lightning Field by John Mackey (play on wood blocks, buckets, chair backs, or any creative home instrument of your choosing if you do not have access to four tom-toms). Tempo is quarter note = 180. For a reference recording, please listen to the link HERE

        Wind Ensemble Audition Application - Fall 2024

        Jazz Ensemble Content

        Your audition video will contain:

        1. A short introduction of yourself
        2. All Horns (saxophones, trumpets, trombones):
          1. Play just the melody of “All the Things You Are” on your own.
            1. All The Things You Are (B)All The Things You Are (C, Bass Clef)All The Things You Are (E)
          2. Improvise over an F(concert) blues
            1. F blues changes
          3. Rhythm Section (Piano, bass, and guitar)
            1. Play the melody of "All the Things You Are" and comp as well
              1. All The Things You Are (C, Treble Clef)All The Things You Are (C, Bass Clef)
            2. Comping and improvising over an F-blues
              1. F blues changes
            3. Drums:
              1. Demonstrate the following styles
                1. medium swing
                2. up-tempo swing
        • bossa, samba
        1. funk/pop
        1. Trade fours with yourself (four bars time & four bars solo)


        Jazz Ensemble Audition Application Fall 2024

        Orchestra Content

          • Your audition video will contain:

            1. A short introduction of yourself and the name of your audition piece(s)
            2. Strings–
              • Play a major scale of your choosing. At minimum two octaves, preferably three octaves
              • Play any solo piece or etude of your choice approximately 2-3 minutes in length demonstrating good sound, quality intonation, musical imagination, rhythmic integrity, and technical control of your instrument
              • Play your instrument part for the 2nd movement “Allegro Moderato” of Joseph Haydn’s Cassation (Divertimento) in G Major.
            • Violinists may choose to audition for Violin 1 or Violin 2 sections. State which part you are playing in your video
            • Tempo is Quarter Note = 80
            • Accurate counting of rests is required for all rests less than 3 measure long.
            • Do not play the repeats
            • Follow this LINK for a reference recording


        Orchestra Audition Application Fall 2024

        College of Saint Benedict
        Saint John’s University

        Dr. Amy Grinsteiner
        Chair, Music Department

        CSB BAC A119

        SJU Music 106