TED Talk Tuesday Archives

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We Should All Be Feminists.

Featuring Dr. Patricia Bolanos-Fabres and Victoria Evens Topic: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “We Should All Be Feminists.” “We teach girls that they can have ambition, but not too much … to be successful, but not too successful, or they’ll threaten men, says author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. [...]

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How Racism harms Pregnant Women.

Featuring Dr. Ellen Block Topic: Miriam Zoila Perez: “How Racism harms Pregnant Women.” Dr. Ellen Block, professor of sociology, facilitated a discussion around Miriam Zoila Perez’s TED Talk, “How Racism Harms Pregnant Women”. [...]

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Why your Doctor Should Care about Social Justice.

Featuring Dr. Jeffrey Anderson Topic: Mary Bassett: “Why your Doctor Should Care about Social Justice.” In Zimbabwe in the 1980s, Mary Bassett witnessed the AIDS epidemic firsthand, and she helped set up a clinic to treat and educate local people about the deadly virus. [...]

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The Power of Vulnerability.

Featuring President Mary Dana Hinton Topic: Brene Brown: “The Power of Vulnerability.” Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. [...]

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The Urgency of Intersectionality.

Featuring Dr. Laura Taylor Topic: Kimberle Crenshaw: “The Urgency of Intersectionality.” Now more than ever, it’s important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias — and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. [...]

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Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!

Featuring Br. Paul Richards Topic: Ernesto Sirroli: “Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!” When most well-intentioned aid workers hear of a problem they think they can fix, they go to work. This, Ernesto Sirolli suggests, is naïve. [...]

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The Happy Secret to Better Work.

Featuring Dr. Michael Ewing Topic: Shawn Achor: “The Happy Secret to Better Work.” We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, positive psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive. [...]

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Use Art to Turn the World Inside Out.

Topic: J.R.: “Use Art to Turn the World Inside Out.” French street artist JR uses his camera to show the world its true face, by pasting photos of the human face across massive canvases. At TED2011, he makes his audacious TED Prize wish: to use art to turn the world inside out. [...]

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We need to feed the whole world

Topic: Louise Fresco: “We need to feed the whole world” Join the McCarthy Center for a viewing and discussion of Louise Fresco’s TED Talk of mass produced, supermarket-style white bread. [...]

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Listening to Shame

Topic: Brené Brown: “Listening to Shame” Join the McCarthy Center for a viewing and discussion of Brené Brown’s TED Talk on shame, guilt, and vulnerability. [...]

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How fear drives American politics

Topic: David Rothkopf: “How fear drives American politics”. Join the McCarthy Center for a viewing and discussion on David Rothkopf’s TED Talk on American politics. [...]

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How we can eat our landscapes

Topic: Pam Warhurst: “How we can eat our landscapes”. Join the McCarthy Center, ETL, and Professor Diane Veale-Jones for a viewing and discussion on Pam Warhurst’s TED Talk on agricultural and community involvement. [...]

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How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them

Topic: Verna Myers: “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them”. Join the McCarthy Center and Intercultural and International Student Service Office Director Brandyn Woodard for a viewing and discussion on Verna Myer’s TED Talk on racial bias. [...]

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A complicated hero in the war on dictatorship

Topic: Samantha Power: “A complicated hero in the war on dictatorship”. Join the McCarthy Center and Political Science Professor Christi Siver for a viewing and discussion on Samantha Power’s TED Talk on evil and dictatorship. [...]

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Why Climate Change is a Threat to Human Rights

Topic: Mary Robinson: “Why Climate Change is a Threat to Human Rights”. Join the McCarthy Center and Theology Professor Bernie Evans for a viewing and discussion on Mary Robinson’s TED Talk on climate change and human rights. [...]

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Teach every child about food

Topic: Jamie Oliver: “Teach every child about food”. Join the McCarthy Center and Nutrition Professor Alexa Evenson for a viewing and discussion on Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk on food education in the United States. [...]

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How One Tweet Can Ruin Your Life

Topic: Jon Ronson, “How One Tweet Can Ruin Your Life”. Join the McCarthy Center and Tiffany Clements, CSB/SJU Social Media Specialist, for a viewing and discussion about how we interact online. [...]

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What if Our Healthcare System Kept us Healthy?

Topic: Rebecca Onie, “What if Our Healthcare System Kept us Healthy?” Join the McCarthy Center and Political Science Professor John Friend for a viewing of Rebecca Onie’s TED Talk and discussion on how to improve daily healthcare. [...]

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Color Blind or Color Brave?

Topic: Mellody Hobson: “Color Blind or Color Brave?”Join the McCarthy Center and CSB President Mary Dana Hinton for a discussion about race in America today. [...]

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Dreams from Endangered Cultures

Topic: Wade Davis: “Dreams from Endangered Cultures”Join the McCarthy Center, Professor Ted Gordon, and members of Extending the Link, CSB/SJU’s student-run documentary team, for a discussion about indigenous cultures and the problems posed to them by globalization. [...]

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Is China the New Model for Emerging Economies?

Topic: Dambisa Moyo: “Is China the New Model for Emerging Economies?”Join the McCarthy Center and scholar-in-residence Dr. Paul Heer for a discussion about China and China’s role in the world. [...]

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The Power of Vulnerability

Topic: Brene Brown, “The Power of Vulnerability”Join the McCarthy Center and Professor Pam Bacon of the Psychology department for a discussion about vulnerability as an essential component to individual happiness. [...]

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An Economist Walks into a Bar..

Topic: Robert Litan, “An Economist Walks into a Bar..”Join the McCarthy Center and Professor Louis Johnston of the Economics department for a discussion about the rise of the internet economy and the economic principles behind phenomena such as Cupid.com, Priceline, and Amazon. [...]

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The Danger of a Single Story

Topic: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story“Join the McCarthy Center and English professor Madhu Mitra for a discussion about how a single narrative can adversely shape how we view different groups of people. [...]

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Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Topic: Amy Cuddy, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are“Join the McCarthy Center and Communications professor Julie Lynch for a viewing and discussion of Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk on “power posing”. [...]

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Poverty, money-and love

Topic: Jessica Jackley, “Poverty, money-and love“Join the McCarthy Center and SJU Alum John Chromy ’64 for a viewing and discussion on poverty and how it is viewed. [...]

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Changing Education Paradigms

Topic: Sir Ken Robinson, “Changing Education Paradigms“Join the McCarthy Center and Dr. Whitney Court for a viewing and discussion about new ideas in education. [...]

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The Success of Non-Violent Civil Resistance

Topic: Erica Chenoweth, “The Success of Non-Violent Civil Resistance“Join the McCarthy Center and Professor Kelly Kraemer for a viewing and discussion on the merits and success of non-violent resistance. [...]