
Mathematics Curriculum

Our department offers courses to suit the needs of a variety of students, whether majoring in mathematics or a related field, or simply taking the course as a general liberal arts student.

We provide a sound, flexible theoretical base that prepares students for further study in graduate school, for a career in secondary education or as a mathematician or statistician in business or industry.

The colleges regard mathematics as an essential part of a liberal arts education and each student must take at least one mathematics course to satisfy the core curriculum requirement.

Course Number Course Title Credits
MATH 111 Pre-Statistics and Modeling 2 Credits
MATH 114 Mathematics Exploration 4 Credits
MATH 114A Islamic Art: Where Geometry and Culture Meet 4 Credits
MATH 115 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 2 Credits
MATH 118 Essential Calculus 4 Credits
MATH 119 Calculus I 4 Credits
MATH 120 Calculus II 4 Credits
MATH 121 Fundamentals of Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 122 Finite Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 124 Probability and Statistical Inference 4 Credits
MATH 125 Discrete Mathematical Modeling 4 Credits
MATH 127 Number Systems 1 Credit
MATH 180 Fundamentals of Mathematics II 4 Credits
MATH 239 Linear Algebra 4 Credits
MATH 271 Individual Learning Project 1-4 Credits
MATH 279A Mathematical Problem Solving 4 Credits
MATH 304 Foundations and Structures of Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 305 Multivariable Calculus 4 Credits
MATH 307 History of Mathematics 1-4 Credits
MATH 315 Operations Research 4 Credits
MATH 318 Applied Statistical Models 4 Credits
MATH 322 Graph Theory 4 Credits
MATH 331 Algebraic Structures I 4 Credits
MATH 332 Algebraic Structures II 4 Credits
MATH 333 Geometry I 4 Credits
MATH 337 Differential Equations 4 Credits
MATH 338 Numerical Methods 4 Credits
MATH 339 Mathematical Modeling 4 Credits
MATH 340 Topics in Advanced Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 340A Mathematical Modelling in Biology 4 Credits
MATH 340C A Mathematician’s Guide to Music 4 Credits
MATH 340D History of Geometry & Algebra 4 Credits
MATH 340E Knot Theory 4 Credits
MATH 340F Mathematics of Finance 4 Credits
MATH 340G A Study of the Game Lights Out 4 Credits
MATH 340H PICMath 4 Credits
MATH 343 Analysis I 4 Credits
MATH 344 Analysis II 4 Credits
MATH 345 Mathematical Statistics I 4 Credits
MATH 346 Mathematical Statistics II 4 Credits
MATH 348 Complex Variables 4 Credits
MATH 349 Financial Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 371 Individual Learning Project 1-4 Credits
MATH 395 Mathematics Capstone 2 Credits
MATH 397 Internship 1-16 Credits