Public and Media Relations Requests

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Marketing and Communications receives many requests from the media for interviews or comments from faculty and staff experts in various fields. We are always available to provide media direction and to locate experts in specific areas.

Michael Hemmesch
[email protected]

Director of Public Relations

Press Releases

Marketing and Communications produces and distributes press releases, including general CSB and SJU releases announcing news, events, etc. Press releases assist in effectively announcing and communicating campus events.

Athletic Media Relations

Athletic Media Relations promotes the Bennie and Johnnie athletic programs by providing media relations and statistical reporting, coordinating athletic publications and managing news and photographic coverage of sporting events. Athletic Media Relations Directors and supporting staff are responsible for:

Ryan Klinkner
[email protected]

SJU Athletic Media Relations Director

Dan Genzler
[email protected]

CSB Athletic Media Relations Director

Find the latest CSB and SJU news and stories on our Newsroom page.
