Resources and Opportunities

Reasons to study Japanese language and culture at CSB and SJU

Teaching in Asia Program

A number of CSB and SJU alumni have gone to Japan to teach English as a second language.

Japanese National Honor Society College Chapter

(JNHS-CC) recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence in the study of the Japanese language. The American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) is pleased to assist teachers with a way to recognize their outstanding students, to maintain high standards in Japanese language education, and to promote activities that give students ways to use their language skills on their campuses and in their communities.

ESL Summer Camp at CSB and SJU

ESL Summer Camp at CSB and SJU invites middle and high school students from Okinawa, Japan every summer. These students spend one evening each summer with a family, which is one of the highlights of their experience in Minnesota.

Japan America Society of Minnesota

JASM organizes several events and volunteer opportunities to learn more about Japanese culture.

Japan America Students Conference

This conference invites Japanese students and American students gather at this conference to study and analyze Japan-U.S. relations. 

Concordia Language Village

Summer job opportunity located in Concordia Language Villages. This job gives students numerous opportunities to teach Japanese and participate in various other activities. Read about Jeremy Jahn’s experience with this opportunity here.

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Jeff DuBois
Chair, Languages and Cultures Department
CSB Richarda P32

Jennifer Schwichtenberg
Department Coordinator
CSB Richarda P38
SJU Quad 253A
