Languages and Cultures

Past Events

On the 21st of November, 2021, we celebrated our third French mass of the semester. Fr. William Skudlarek, OSB, presided and the International Congolese Choir (pictured), from Milwaukee, WI, joined us as special guests for the music ministry. What a joy to welcome them to the Sacred Heart Chapel! Merci aux chanteurs et revenez quand vous voudrez!

The Table française is fun!

Just look at these smiling faces: Robert Karlson ’21, Olivia Solano ’22, Jake Debes ’21, Emily Gempler ’22, Cate Luna ’23, Kat Mazang ’22 and Helena Raths ’21 give it a thumbs up.

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. over Zoom!

French Club Baking Night

On May 4th, French Club members and students of French baked chocolatines (chocolate croissants) together--miam miam! Un énorme succès!

Festival Lyrique 2021

View the virtual French Lyric Festival here!

French Alum Panel

Learn what exciting things our French alums have been doing after their studies at CSB and SJU!

Many thanks to French minor, Ellie Terpstra ’21, and the French Club for this video production. View the video here.

French Film Festival

Fridays just haven’t been the same since the COVID-19 pandemic took center stage. No large gatherings and limited, socially-distanced interactions wipe out typical experiences to kick off a weekend. But the Tournées Film Festival gave folks at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University and the general public something to do on a Friday night. Read more at the CSB and SJU Newsroom... And the St. Cloud Times.

Linguistic Oppression

Members of the CSB and SJU French Club recently lead a discussion on linguistic oppression that examined ways to help bilingual students feel more welcome on campus and eliminate harmful stereotypes. Special guest, Terrance Simien, provided first-hand experience. 

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Jeff DuBois
Chair, Languages and Cultures Department
CSB Richarda P32

Jennifer Schwichtenberg
Department Coordinator
CSB Richarda P38
SJU Quad 253A