Karl Lawrie ’25

Program: Ireland Semester

Major: Biology

Minors: Neuroscience & Psychology

Why did you choose to study abroad and how did you decide on this program?

I chose Cork because of the independence that the program provides. I was able to choose courses that were not only interesting to me, but also fulfilled upper division electives for my major. By making my own class schedule, I was able to manage my time how I wanted, which allowed me to explore Ireland and also travel through Europe.

Briefly describe a specific cultural experience you had on your program that made a lasting impression.

While on a weekend trip with the program, I was taught about the Irish culture, which included lessons on the Irish language, traditions, and history. During this trip, I also got to explore the local communities and have conversations with Irish speaking people. With their Irish charm, they taught me useful phrases and details about hurling which I will never forget.

Based on your experiences abroad, what are some of the benefits of spending a semester abroad? How has studying abroad contributed to your personal, academic, and professional development?

Studying abroad helped me become comfortable with being uncomfortable. From establishing new routines and familiarizing myself with the area and locals, I developed basic skills that helped me function in unfamiliar settings. This has given me confidence to seek out opportunities in new areas knowing that I can handle the unexpected.

What advice can you offer for CSB+SJU students who are considering or planning to study abroad?

My advice for students who may study abroad is to explore every opportunity you see and to consider if you want to take advantage of it. The only way to discover the power of your own abilities is to put yourself in a position where you can use them.