Learning Objectives

Objective 1

Investigate global trends and issues that affect health and well-being at local, regional, national, and transnational levels using multiple sources.

Objective 2

Critically analyze the programs, policies, and social movements that aim to address and improve health.

Objective 3

Interpret how socioeconomic, historical, political, and biological determinants of health intersect to affect global public health.

Objective 4

Evaluate how cultural values and practices, as well as unequal structures, affect people’s experiences of health, illness, and healing globally.

Kaia Hoiseth

Kaia Hoiseth ’24 and Grace Savard ’22, CSB and SJU’s 2021 Global Health Fellows, work to sort food and prepare healthy meal packs for families for Canasta Familiar, a free food distribution program run by CLUES. Kaia and Grace spent their summers interning for CLUES and HACER, two Minnesota Latine-led organizations that work to use research and programming to advance the wellbeing of Latine communities across Minnesota.

College of Saint Benedict
Saint John’s University

Ellen Block, Ph.D.
Sociology Department
SJU Simons Hall 118