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Dean Langley

Research Areas/Interests

Optics and lasers, rainbow and glory scattering, acoustic levitation.

Select Publications:

R.Wang, Y. Zheng, A. Yao, and D. Langley, “A modifed Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light beams in a uniformly moving fiber”, Phys. Lett. A, 312, 7-10 (2003).

D. S. Langley and P. L. Marston, “Generalized tertiary rainbow of slightly oblate drops: observations with laser illumination”, Applied Optics 37, 1520-1526 (1998).

J. J. D’Amico, M. D. Knudson and D. S. Langley, “Rainbow-enhanced forward glory from fused silica spheres”, Applied Optics 33, 4672-4676 (1994).

D. S. Langley and M. J. Morrell, “Rainbow-enhanced forward and backward glory scattering”, Applied Optics 30, 3459-3467 (1991).

D. S. Langley and P. L. Marston, “Forward glory scattering from bubbles”, Applied Optics 30, 3452-3458 (1991).

  • Education

    Ph.D., Washington State University (1984)
    M.S., Washington State University (1980)
    B.A., Concordia College (1978)