Ongoing Research Opportunities

Research in Educational Psychology: Emotions, Cognition, and Reading

Dates: Every semester

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Catherine (Kate) Bohn-Gettler, [email protected], HAB 135 (CSB), ex. 5087

Description of Research: Dr. Bohn-Gettler examines how emotion and cognition interact with one another to influence learning, reading, teaching, and equity-oriented policies and practices.  Students who are interested participate in all facets of the research process, including reviewing literature, designing studies, collecting and analyzing data, and writing.

Credits Available: Students may (but are not required to) enroll in EDUC 399: Research for 1-4 credits per semester.  Up to 4 credits can be counted as elective credits for Psychology majors.

Number of spots: 3-5 spots available per semester

Time Commitment: Weekly meetings plus 2-3 hours per week per credit hour.