Sophomore Dormitories

Margretta, Lottie & Brian

Margretta Hall, 1988Dorm, 1988Margretta Hall 2007

Margretta Hall, 1988 (left); Dorm, 1988 (middle), and 2007 (right) (click thumbnail for larger image)

The first of the sophomore dorms to be built was Margretta Hall. Not only was there a great need for additional housing, but also as a place for summer conference participants. The building of a new dormitory would provide a more sophisticated environment than what was previously offered for the participants. The contracting firm for the job was Grooters & Associates. The design for the new dorm was mirrored closely by the architecture of the Clemens Library, with input from the students. The final design was dictated by the need for community interaction and the Benedictine aesthetic of beauty and simplicity. Construction began on March 7, of 1988 and was completed in August that same year. The final cost for Margretta Hall was $2.3 million. The new dormitory was built with three floors, able to hold 158 students. With the building of Margretta, it eliminated the need for the Teresa Hall dormitory in the Main building. Teresa Hall was then renovated into faculty offices.

Margretta Hall was dedicated to Sr. Margretta Nathe, who is credited with starting the overseas program and also the Foreign Language program at the St. Joe Lab School. Sr. Margretta taught many diverse subjects at the College, including Chaucer, German, and Ethics. She was chosen for her involvement in student development.

Lottie Hall, ca 1994Lottie Hall, ca 2007Lottie Hall, ca 2004

Lottie Hall, ca 1994, 2007, and 2004 (click thumbnail for larger image)

In 1994 the second sophomore dormitory, Lottie Hall, was built. The construction of this building was completely financed by Frank J Ardolf, Jr., who dedicated it to his late wife, Lottie Ardolf. Lottie houses 248 students in either single, double, or four to six person suites. The dormitory has three floors and each has a certain theme which is demonstrated in structural design and furniture pieces.

In September of 1994, 175 alumnae and students attended the dedication of Lottie Hall. President Sr. Colman O’Connell and Frank J Ardolf spoke at the dedication.

In 2009, a student health service was established on the ground level of Lottie Hall. To learn more, click on this link to view a powerpoint of the history of  Campus Health Centers.

In February of 2012, Informational Technology Service’s headquarters in the basement of Lottie Hall was completed in space that had previously been an unfinished basement. Many of the ITS personnel and its public services operations relocated from the Quad basement (below the Great Hall) to Lottie Hall in March of 2012. Administrative and Systems operations remained on the SJU campus in Wimmer Hall, and data storage and other behind-the-scenes space was provided in the non-public north section of Clemens Library at CSB. Some IT personnel and the open computer access space remained in the Quad basement until the 2016-2017 renovation of Alcuin Library and the addition to it of the Dietrich Reinhart Learning Commons: a new computer access area, technology classroom, and help desk/support personnel offices were provided on the upper level of Alcuin Library. The library and its Learning Commons housed Instructional Technology (formerly Media Services) staff and facilities, with more of the same also continuing to operate in Clemens Library at CSB, which underwent a major renovation in the summer of 2019.

Brian Hall, 2007Sunrise Lounge

Brian Hall, 2007; and Sunrise Lounge, undated (click thumbnail for larger image)

The last of the sophomore dormitories was completed in 1996.  The College, again, was experiencing overflow and needed housing space.  The groundbreaking ceremony took place in April of 1996.  After its completion in the fall, the new dormitory was named Brian Hall, after Brian Spain, OSB.  S. Brian Spain was chosen for her involvement with the personal development of the students for many years.  Brian Hall can house 123 students.

Selected Bibliography:

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