Letter from A.A. Heckman, Executive Director of the Hill Family Foundation
Dear Sister Mary Grell:
Dear Father Colman:
It is a pleasure to advise you that the Board of Directors of Hill Family Foundation, at a recent meeting, authorized a grant of $40,200 in support of the study in depth focused on the development of greater interinstitutional cooperation between the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. The grant will be paid to the College of Saint Benedict which we understand has agreed to serve as the fiscal agent for the study.
The submission of a full report at the end of one year is a condition of the grant.
If agreeable with you and your colleagues, we will pay this grant in two installments of $20,100 each on November 1, 1967 and May 1, 1968.
All of us in Hill Family Foundation are pleased with the extent to which your two institutions already have worked out cooperative arrangements and plans for interinstitutional cooperation. It is our considered judgment that you have moved further into interinstitutional cooperation than any other combinations of colleges and universities with which we are acquainted. Your success to date leads us to believe that the steps proposed to be taken with the aid of this grant will enable the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University to establish a sound and workable model for many other private liberal arts colleges.
We wish you success as you move into Phase II of the study.
A. A. Heckman,
Executive Director